Lou Reed - Rock n Roll Animal - Full Album 1974

3 years ago

Lou Reed - Rock n Roll Animal - Full Album 1974

01: Intro/Sweet Jane
02: Heroin
03: How Do You Think It Feels
04: Caroline Says I
05: White Light/White Heat
06: Lady Day
07: Rock 'n' Roll

In 1974, after the commercial disaster of his album Berlin, Lou Reed needed a hit, and Rock N' Roll Animal was a rare display of commercial acumen on his part, just the right album at just the right time.
Recorded in concert with Reed's crack road band at the peak of their form, Rock N' Roll Animal offered a set of his most anthemic songs (most dating from his days with the Velvet Underground) in arrangements that presented his lean, effective melodies and street-level lyrics in their most user-friendly form (or at least as user friendly as an album with a song called "Heroin" can get).
Early-'70s arena rock bombast is often the order of the day, but guitarists Dick Wagner and Steve Hunter use their six-string muscle to lift these songs up, not weigh them down, and with Reed's passionate but controlled vocals riding over the top, "Sweet Jane," "White Light/White Heat," and "Rock 'n' Roll" finally sound like the radio hits they always should have been. Reed would rarely sound this commercial again, but Rock N' Roll Animal proves he could please a crowd when he had to.

Track List:
Intro/Sweet Jane
Steve Hunter / Lou Reed
Lou Reed 07:57 Amazon
Lou Reed
Lou Reed 13:16
White Light/White Heat
Lou Reed
Lou Reed 05:11 Amazon
Lady Day
Lou Reed
Lou Reed 04:00
Rock N' Roll
Lou Reed
Lou Reed 10:08

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