What a GRIND! 157.5 Kgs x5 Squat

3 years ago

Another off day, today. The weight felt much heavier than usual. Even 140 Kgs felt like a struggle. I think it may be due to fatigue, out of wack mindset/headspace, and being out of practice for squats. I also had to skip my squat accessory work on Thursday, because I barely had time to knock out my deadlift workout, due to unforseen circumstances. So I think moving forward, I am going put good old back squats back in to my squat accessories, so I can grease the groove more, and get back in to fine tuning the motor patterns/technique.
But HOLY HELL, what a tough set. I was unsure if I should even do 157.5 Kgs, due to how I was feeling, but I DID NOT WANT TO BACK DOWN, and I really wanted to get five reps, so I PUSHED FOR IT. Not my best for sure, as I have done 160 Kgs for 5, and 165 Kgs for 3, but I will consider this a small victory, for pushing through, regardless 🤟🏻

Song: "New Millennium Cyanide Christ" - Meshuggah

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