Shaq indoor smokeless grill & Press $90 REVIEW

3 years ago

- works well
- spring mounted lower griddle is cool idea
- smokeless function works well - no smoke indoors
- makes great panini and grilled sandwiches (forgot to film)

- $price is a bit high IMHO
- product states that it cooks for 6 people. Family of 4 would have trouble using this without going back to cook more
- all grilled items must be evenly thick-
- no ability to add pressure to the top griddle
- preheat function starts the timer - not super big deal but when you preheat the timer start the moment the pre-heat temp is reached. This means that if you step out of the room, or get distracted you will have to re-adjust the timer before yo put foods on the griddles

- great gift for someone living on their own in an apartment, or with a significant other. Families should probably look somewhere else for a grilling solution.

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