Spanish 101 - Learn Spanish Verbs Tener and Venir and Tener Expressions - Spanish With Profe

3 years ago

In this video you will learn the verbs Tener and Venir.
Both verbs are irregular in the "yo" form, they both stem change ("e" goes to "ie": for tú, él, ella, usted, and ellos, ellas, ustedes), the nosotros form does not stem change

tener (to have) venir (to come)
yo tengo (I have) yo vengo (I come)

tú tienes (you have) tú vienes (you come)
él, ella, usted tiene él, ella, usted viene
(he, she, you (formal) has) (he, she, you (formal) come)

nosotros/as tenemos nosotros/as venimos
(we have) (we come)

ellos, ellas, ustedes tienen ellos, ellas, ustedes vienen
(they, you all have) (they, you all come)

We use the verb "tener" to express the following:
Remember to conjugate the verb "tener" to denote who is doing the action

tener años (to talk about your age)
tener sueño (to be sleepy)
tener hambre (to be hungry)
tener sed (to be thirsty)
tener calor (to be hot)
tener frío (to be cold)
tener miedo (to be afraid)
tener prisa (to be in a hurry)
tener razón (to be right)
tener suerte (to be lucky)
tener cuidado (to be careful)
tener ganas (to crave something)

tener que (to have to; must do something) is always followed by the infinitive

e.g. tengo que comer (I have to eat)

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