Spanish 102 - Learn Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns in Spanish - Spanish With Profe

3 years ago

In this video you will learn the demonstrative adjectives and pronouns in Spanish.

Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns help us to talk about the proximity of nouns to both the speaker and the listener.

The demonstrative adjectives and pronouns in Spanish agree both in number (s/pl) and in gender (m/f)

In 2010 the Real Academia Española (the institution that is responsible for regulating the Spanish language), decreed that there should be no written accent (tildes ) to differentiate between the demonstrative adjectives and the demonstrative pronouns. Per these rules, in my video I do not use them but you will find some textbooks that still have them. The textbooks that have them need to be updated.

The demonstrative adjectives come before the nouns. Pay close attention to both number (s/pl) and gender (m/f)

1-The speaker can touch the item or items to which he/she is talking about.
m. f.
este (this) esta
estos (these) estas

Este niño es bonito. (This child is cute.)
Esta niña es bonita. (This child is cute. (f))

Estos niños son bonitos. (These children are cute.)
Estas niñas son bonitas. (These children are cute. (f))

2- The listener can touch the item or items that the speaker is talking about.
m. f.
ese (that) esa
esos (these) esas

Ese perro es inteligente. (That dog is smart.)
Esa perra es inteligente. (That dog is smart. (f) )

Esos perros son inteligentes. (Those dogs are smart.)
Esas perras son inteligentes. (Those dogs are smart. (f))

3- Neither the speaker nor the listener can touch the item or items being talked about.
m. f.
aquel (that one over there) aquella
aquellos (those ones over there) aquellos

Aquel vestido es bonito. (That dress over there is pretty.)
Aquella falda es bonita. (That skirt over there is pretty. (f))

Aquellos vestidos son bonitos. (Those dresses over there are pretty.)
Aquellas faldas son bonitas. (Those skirts over there are pretty. (f))

esto/eso/aquello = are the neutral ones. We will use them to ask a question. In your answer you have to be specific and reply with: este/ese/aquel (paying attention to both number (s/pl) and gender (m/f)

They can also refer to a general idea in which case you do not need to express gender or number.

The demonstrative pronouns also agree in number and in gender.
They will replace the nouns.

Este niño es bonito. (This child is cute.)
No, este es más bonito. (No, this one is prettier.)
(No, éste es más bonito. (No, this one is prettier.)*
*Use this form to complete your homework. They want you to put in the "tildes"

Esos perros son inteligentes. (Those dogs are smart.)
No, esos no son inteligentes. (No, those are not smart.)
No, ésos no son inteligentes. (No, those are not smart.)*
*Use this form to complete your homework. They want you to put in the "tildes"

Aquella falda es bonita. (That skirt over there is pretty. (f))
Sí, es verdad aquella es bonita. (Yes, it's true that one over there is pretty.)
Sí, es verdad aquélla es bonita. (Yes, it's true that one over there is pretty.)*
*Use this form to complete your homework. They want you to put in the "tildes"

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