Spanish 102 - Using Reflexive Verbs In Spanish, Reflexive Verbs Present Tense - Spanish With Profe

3 years ago

In this video you will learn how to use reflexive verbs in Spanish in the present tense.
Reflexive verbs indicate that the doer of the action is also the receiver of the action.
Reflexive verbs are those that have "Se" at the end of their infinitive form e.g. lavarse.
Reflexive verbs are talking about the self, what you do to yourself.

The following are the reflexive pronouns.
me (myself)
te (yourself)
se (himself, herself, yourself (formal))
nos (ourselves)
se (themselves, yourselves (you all))

The reflexive pronouns come before the conjugated verb.

lavarse (to wash oneself)
me lavo
te lavas
se lava
nos lavamos
se lavan

e.g Me lavo las manos. (I wash my hands.)
In Spanish you do not need to write "Me lavo mis manos" as the reflexive pronoun "me" is telling us that those are your hands. So you have to say "Me lavo las manos" (I was "the" hands.)

If you have more than one verb. You can either put the reflexive pronoun before the first verb or attach it to the second verb. Remember to always use the reflexive pronouns: me, te, se, nos, se

Me tengo que lavar las manos.
Tengo que lavarme las manos.
(I have to wash my hands.)

Nos tenemos que lavar las manos.
Tenemos que lavarnos las manos.
(We have to wash our hands.)

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