Spanish 102 - Celebrations Vocabulary in Spanish for Beginners Spanish With Profe

3 years ago

In this video you will learn celebrations vocabulary in Spanish.
In Spanish speaking countries, we celebrate many holidays and birthday parties with our family members. We also say "salud" when we toast with a drink. Our salud is equal to "cheers" in English. Salud also means health. We also celebrate on Christmas eve, and in some countries the Three Magi are the ones that bring you gifts on January 6, what we called El día de reyes (the day of the kings, epiphany).

las fiestas (parties)
las celebraciones (celebrations)
el aniversario de bodas (wedding anniversary)
el día de la fiesta (day of the party)
un día festivo (a holiday)
el invitado/ la invitada (guest)
la Navidad (Christmas)
la Noche buena (Christmas eve)
la quinceñera (sweet fifteen)
la sorpresa (surprise)
celebrar (to celebrate)
dejar una propina (to leave a tip)
divertirse (to have fun)
invitar (to invite)
pagar la cuenta (to pay the bill)
pasarlo bien/mal (to have a good / bad time)
regalar (to give a gift)
reírse (to laugh)
relajarse (to relax)
sonreír (to smile)
sorprender (to surprise)
brindar (to toast with a drink)
salud (cheers -when you toast with a drink)
el champán (champagne)
el flan (flan-custard)
la botella de vino (wine bottle)
los dulces (sweets, candies)
el helado (ice cream)
sabor (flavor)
el pastel (cake) la torta, el queque
el pastel de cumpleaños (birthday cake)
los postres (desserts)
las galletas (cookies)

las etapas de la vida (life stages)
la niñez (childhood)
la adolescencia (adolescence)
la juventud (youth)
el nacimiento (birth)
la vida (life)
la muerte (death)
jubilarse (to retire)
nacer(to be born)
el recién nacido/ la recién nacida (newborn)
la madurez (maturity, middle age)
la vejez (old age)
el apellido (last name)
el consejo (advice)
la respuesta (answer)

las relaciones personales (personal relationships)
la amistad (friendship)
la alegría (happiness)
el amor (love)
el odio (hate)
el matrimonio (married couple, marriage)
el divorcio (divorce)
el recién casado/ la recién casada (newly wed)
la pareja (partner, couple)
el casado/la casada (married)
el divorciado/ la divorciada (divorced)
el separado/la separada (separated)
estar juntos (to be together)
estar separados (to be separated)
el soltero/ la soltera (single)
el viudo/ la viuda (widowed)
casarse con (to get married to)
comprometerse/ prometerse (to get engaged)
divorciarse de (to get divorced)
enamorarse de (to fall in love with)
llevarse bien/mal (to get along well/badly)
romper con (to break up with)
salir con (to go out with; to date)
tener una cita (to have a date, to have an appointment)

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