Spanish 103 - Cars and Technology Vocabulary in Spanish for Beginners Spanish With Profe

3 years ago

In this video you will learn about vocabulary related to cars and technology.
Technology has improved the way we do daily things and interact with one another.

In this video you will learn some vocabulary words that will help you talk about cars and technology in Spanish.

las partes del carro/coche/auto (car parts)
el baúl (trunk)
el capó (car hood)
el carro/el coche/el auto (car)
In Spanish there are various words to talk about a car
los frenos (brakes)
la llanta/el neumático (tire)
el motor (engine)
el parabrisas (windshield)
el volante (steering wheel)
arrancar (to start)
arreglar (to fix)
la velocidad máxima (speed limit)
el kilometraje (mileage)
estacionar (to park)
manejar/conducir (to drive)
la licencia de conducir (driver's license)
el policía (police officer)
la mujer policía (female police officer)
la policía (police force)
parar (to stop)
multa (fine, ticket)
chocar (to crash)
llenar el tanque (to fill up the tank)
revisar el aceite (to check the oil)

la computadora/el ordenador (computer)
la computadora portátil (laptop)
el/la internet (internet) this word can be addressed either as masculine or feminine
la conexión inalámbrica (wireless connection)
el disco (disk)
la impresora (printer)
imprimir (to print)
el monitor (monitor)
la pantalla (screen)
el ratón (mouse)
la red (network, web)
el teclado (keyboard)
chatear (to chat)
guardar (to save a file)
navegar en internet (to surf the internet)
funcionar (to work, to function) mainly use for machines
apagar (to turn off)
poner (to turn on, to set)
prender (to turn off)
descompuesto (to break down, out of order)
el mensaje de texto (text message)
el teléfono celular (cell phone)
el reproductor de DVD (DVD player)
el reproductor de CD (CD player)
el estéreo (stereo)

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