How To Do Intermittent FASTING? [Complete Intermittent Fasting Guide + Benefits]

3 years ago

If you're interested in starting intermittent fasting and want to know how to do intermittent fasting correctly, this video is going to show you a proper way of doing it.

In this video, I explain how to do Intermittent Fasting. This is a complete intermittent fasting guide, where I explain what is intermittent fasting, what are the benefits of intermittent fasting, what are the common types of fats, what can you eat or drink while fasting, what benefits each type of the fasts provide, how to break a fast and how to begin your intermittent fasting journey.

*Note for diabetics, when you drastically reduce your carbohydrate intake or do intermittent fasting, you should discuss this with your doctor as you might get huge blood sugar drops. Your diabetes medication should be adjusted with your doctor.

If you’re new to my channel, my name is Greta and I’m an online nutritionist and a health coach who supports the clean low carb keto diet. I'm the founder of Advanced Nutrition and Health.
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So, what is intermittent fasting?
Intermittent fasting is a meal timing plan, where you have eating and non-eating times. During your eating period, you eat as normal, and during your non-eating period, or fasting period, you don’t consume any calories.

The longer the fast – the more benefits you get. But it takes time and practice until you can comfortably do longer fasts.

Is fasting natural for humans or is it some sort of fad?
From an evolutionary perspective, humans would typically go days without food, often hunting on an empty stomach. Semi-starved animals with enhanced brain function and energy would be more likely to obtain food and find ways to survive. It’s just how we evolved. Eating only when the food is present, maybe once a day, maybe once in 2 or 3 days.

Is it unhealthy to skip breakfast? Which is basically the same as intermittent fasting?
That’s what the food industry wants you to believe in.

There are several different types of fasting:

Simple intermittent fasting
Prolonged fasting
Liquid fasting
Dry fasting

How should you break a fast?
Normally, your gut gets weaker temporarily after fasting, so it would be best to break your fast with something like bone broth. Bone broth helps you to restore your gut’s mucosal layer faster.

You can order a high-quality bone broth supplement here:
UK Bone Broth Link:
US Bone Broth Link:

And how do you start fasting in general? What helps you to start?
Well, fixing your diet is really important. If you eat a lot of refined carbohydrates and processed food, there’s a high chance that you have insulin resistance, excess weight and you’re always hungry.

So first, you have to get rid of the foods that make you hungry all the time. Reduce your sugar, other refined carbohydrates, deep-fried foods, processed snacks, refined vegetable oils. Replace them with natural whole foods.

When you switch to eating natural whole foods, have enough of high fibre low starch vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower or cabbage, spinach, have enough of high-quality protein, and have enough of healthy fat, such as grass-fed butter, ghee, organic extra virgin coconut oil, you start feeling way more satiated and can go longer periods of time without eating.

If you want to learn more about healthy eating, you should check out some of my other videos where I explain it in detail.

So, this was my detailed intermittent fasting guide where I shared how to do intermittent fasting correctly.

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Thanks for watching and I hope to see you in the next video!

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