The Seven Laws of Reality and Being: The Phenomena of Mental Suggestion

3 years ago

“The Principles of Truth are Seven; he who knows these, understandingly, possesses the Magic Key before whose touch all the doors of the Temple fly open.” The Kybalion

By knowing the Principles of Reality we can protect ourselves from mental suggestions which are not in accord with one’s best interest, desire and well being.
In the phenomena of mental induction and suggestion, a combination of will power and desire force, the two aspects of Mind‘s manifesting power, may be used. Will power may be used to either awaken the desire force in another person or to subjugate the other person’s will. Likewise desire force can either be used to induce a similar desire in another person or to charm and captivate the other person’s will.
Most people and sentient beings in general use both of these aspects somewhat unconsciously and haphazardly with very little results, but, just like any other skill, they can also be mastered consciously and when used unscrupulously and unethically they can be responsible for all the phenomena of mental influence, fascinations, suggestions, hypnotism, and en masse manipulation.

For more and full information on the Laws of Reality check out my books here:
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