Point 3 Public Health Order 8.27.2021

3 years ago

“The case rate for hospitalization of children aged 0-17 years infected with SARS-CoV-2 is less than .35 percent for the entire Midwest region of the United States as of 09/04/21. The rate of infection in children has not significantly increased since October of 2020.

Considering this low incidence of Covid cases among children, it would appear more effective to discuss prevention of infection rather than prevention of exposure. In other words, to strengthen the immune system against succumbing to infection is a much more obtainable goal than attempting to avoid exposure altogether. This virus will go about in the air as other virus strains have done for the past several thousands of years. To pretend that we can avoid exposure to them is as ridiculous as trying to avoid exposure to oxygen.

Vitamins C, D, zinc, and adequate hydration with sufficient rest will easily keep children resilient to SARS-CoV-2 as they have a recovery rate of 99.98%. Why try to avoid a virus that is so easily held in
check by a healthy immune system?

And yet, by force of mandating masks in our schools, our children are being required to bypass their first defense against disease and submit their growing bodies to the risk of disease much more damaging to their health than the exposure to a virus. One such damaging effect of mask wearing is MIES: Mask Induced Exhaustion Syndrome. In other words, a lack of oxygen to the brain that prevents the child from functioning at their full capacity and potential.

Any of these potential maladies induced by face mask subjects the enforcers of such mandates to participation of malfeasance against our school children by requiring them to inhibit the natural exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in their bodies. According to the revised school code act 451 of 1976, anyone who participates in mandating masks on school children is guilty of criminal conduct.

Section 1307 B of this code states that all of the following practices are prohibited for school personnel in the public schools of this state under all circumstance under including emergency situations: Specifically (B) the deprivation of basic needs and (H) Any restraint that negatively impacts breathing.”



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