Philip Morrison Performing His Original "Shadow and Sunlight"

3 years ago

"Shadow and Sunlight" - Music and Lyric by Philip Morrison - Copyright 2008



Shadow shows but his profile
It's his nature not just his style
But, there's enough of him placed on display
To pique the interest of women who come his way
What they say they like
But, what gets them really psyched
Is that which seems forbidden to all
A glimpse of What Is Hidden


Sunlight draws out the shy types
When she dances, they show their stripes
Not even tough nuts find strength to endure
Her heat and out pour the secrets they thought were secure
It's a point of pride
That there's nothing they can hide
Not when she's so hard-driven to get
A glimpse of what is hidden


When they latch eyes on
Each other, there's one
Terrific battle for full control
For Sunlight must know
What Shadow can't show
Though he would give her his very soul
He seems hard-headed
She's single-threaded
It won't be Heaven
It won't be dull


When you look on the faces
Of steep cliffs, watch for their traces
See the rocks take on all shades of pink
And red as Sunlight gives Shadow a nudge and a wink
Shadow bends and twists
Wants to give but must resist
On goes the war to give and to get
A glimpse of what is hidden

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