Philip Morrison Singing His Original "The Middle Man"

3 years ago

"The Middle Man" - Music and Lyrics by Philip Morrison Copyright 2008


I start by attaching myself to naive but creative souls
Who enable our daily lives
Or enhance what makes life worthwhile
They're the farmers and doctors
The painters and authors
The List could drone on

I somehow get them to give me work
Something small they could do themselves
And far better than I could do
But they rationalize
That they need all their time
To create, leaving me to play
The fools don't know they've screwed themselves
For I'll make them depend on me
Then I'll charge them an irksome fee
To the point where I'm living high off them
While keeping them just fat enough to leave things as they are
Well, a man's got to live


It's not enough to maintain
I must build on the gains I've made
To secure my life's lease on shade
And ensure my kids get the same
Then perfect the career path
Which thrives sucking dry
Others blood sweat and tears

But, to achieve this I must grease palms
Make damn sure that the right bills pass
Should kiss fail then I'll bite some ass
Cash is carrot and stick to a law-making prick
I'll pull strings, make the laws require
You deal with mine or one of mine
With a license to siphon off
Three of five cents from every slob
I'll have money to place a stooge
Per seat in umpteen congresses
All paid to pass the laws I want
I'll be firmly ensconced.


Then I'll deliver the master stroke
Tell the farmers what crops to grow
And the doctors what drugs to push
And the artists what works I'll sell
They'll create to my taste
Or they'll starve and post-haste
I shall have full control

With all of government under thumb
Truly rendered blind, deaf, and dumb
To the plight of creative ones
All who make things shall slave
For my profit and say
Not a word
For they won't be heard
And then I'll reach my true life's goal
To be lord of a vast estate
Worked by plebes who all know their place
And, my kingdom shall have no end
I'll pass my kin the deeds to land and plebes
Who'll slave without a peep
What a great legacy!


Who's grabbed hold of your fate
Who is behind this evil plan
Now that it's too late
I'll tell you I'm the middle man.

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