The Kids Are Gone, Now What? - Part 2 with Guests David and Claudia Arp

3 years ago

How does a marriage shift from being child focused to partner focused, and how does communication change when the children leave home? In what ways can you keep fun and friendship in your relationship? On today’s classic edition of Family Talk, Dr. Dobson and guests, Dave and Claudia Arp, continue their discussion about the challenges couples face after their kids have flown the coop.

About Today's Guest: David and Claudia Arp
David and Claudia Arp are the founders and directors of Marriage Alive International, Inc., a ministry providing resources and training to empower churches, communities and couples to build better marriages and families. The Arps host their own syndicated radio program, The Family Workshop, and have written over fifteen books dealing with marriage and family enrichment. David received a Master of Science in Social Work from the University of Tennessee, and Claudia holds a Bachelor of Science in Home Economics Education from the University of Georgia. They have three sons, four grandchildren, and live in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Resources Mentioned:
The Second Half of Marriage: Facing the Eight Challenges of the Empty-Nest Years book by Dvid and Claudia Arp
10 Great Dates to Energize Your Marriage -
10 Great Dates DVD with Josh and Christi Curriculum -

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