WPF Controls | 27-Datagrid | Search, Filter Rows , Filtering datagrid data| Part 10

3 years ago

Welcome to WPF Tutorials ~Data Grid in WPF

In this part of our Datagrid in WPF series, which will probably be our last tutorial on datagrid, we're going to add search, filtering functionality to our application via Textbox_TextChanged event.. As well as, we're going create a datagrid programmatically on the fly using C# code. This tutorial will include C# and XAML goodness.

#How to create Datagrid in WPF
#How to Use Datagrid in WPF
#How to bind to Datagrid
#Data binding to Datagrid
#Row details in Datagrid
#How to create datagrid programmatically
#How to create datagrid using C#
#how to create datagrid dynamically
#how to create datagrid on the fly
#How to search data in datagrid
#How to filter datagrid data, records
#Filtering data in WPF
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