WPF Controls | 27-Datagrid | Custom Datagrid | Events | Part 7 | Adding New Row Using Datagrid

3 years ago

Welcome to WPF Tutorials | Data Grid in WPF

In this part of the WPF tutorials, and particularly part 7 of our custom datagrid series we're going cover how to add a new row or new record, data, to our data source which is currently a CSV file but could easily be an xml file or a database such as sql, sqlite or any others. In the next part, we're going cover Updating and Deleting - aka CRUD operations. Lots of C# and XAML fun using Visual Studio 2019.. Enjoy and remember to tap on bell for new videos

#CRUD operations with Datagrid
#Datagrid events
#How to add, delete, update data in Datagrid
#how to bind to datagrid

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