Ep18 p2of6 Judah the savior

3 years ago

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This is part 2 of a 6 part series on Judah in the Bible.
Jacob sends his ten sons to buy corn in Egypt during a famine to buy corn and he kept his youngest son Benjamin behind because he didn't trust that his older brothers would care for him.
When they get to Egypt Joseph is the ruler there. He recognizes them but they don't recognize him. Joseph began questioning them about their family and he ended up keeping Simeon as prisoner until they could prove that they had a younger brother. When they get home Jacob becomes very upset because now he has lost two sons. After they run out of food Jacob tells his sons to go back to Egypt for more corn.
They told Jacob that they could not return to Egypt without Benjamin. Jacob refused to allow Benjamin to go because he had already lost two sons, Joseph and Simeon.
Reuben then tells Jacob that if he doesn't return with Benjamin then Jacob could kill his two sons. Jacob refused to allow Benjamin to go with him.
Judah then said to Jacob that he would put his own life on the line if he did not bring Benjamin back. He would bear the blame forever if he did not bring Benjamin back. Jacob then sent them with blessings and provisions and gifts to bring to Joseph in Egypt.
Jacob rejected Reuben's offer , Israel accepted Judah's offer.
When they arrived in Egypt Joseph held a banquet for them at his house. When they were ready to leave Joseph had his servant put his divining cup in Benjamin's pack and sent the servant to accuse them. He then took Benjamin prisoner for taking the cup.
Judah went before Joseph and pleaded for Benjamin's life he told him about the pledge he had made to his father Jacob and offered to take Benjamin's place. It was at this time that Joseph broke down and revealed to his brothers who he really was. Judah was willing to give his life for Benjamin.
There are 3 major events about the man Judah in the bible
1 He convinced his brothers to sell Joseph instead of killing him
2 He gave his life as a pledge to his father Jacob that he would bring Benjamin back
3 He offered himself a slave to Joseph to take Benjamin's place.
This is a forerunner of Jesus Christ giving his own life on behalf of sinners.

Looking again at Genesis chapter 38
Onan making children for his older brother Er because Er was slain by God.
Judah making children with Onan's widow Tamar who was also Onan's widow.
Judah's children are now actually his grandchildren.
There is a prophetic message here. The first wife of Judah was never named in the bible. Tamar the mother of Judah's younger children had a name. In prophetic terms the unnamed represents the wicked while the named represents the righteous. This is shown in Revelation 20:12.
Tamar's name means 'Palm tree' which is a symbol of righteousness while the first wife being without a mane is a symbol of wickedness. Her first 2 sons Er and Onan were slain by God for wickedness while the third son did live on and fade off into obscurity in ancient times. The blessing was passed on through the children of Tamar.
Genesis chapter 38 can be seen as a prophetic picture of the history of Judaism and Christianity. The book of Genesis is like a table of contents for the bible.
The two twins of Tamar are symbolic of the first and second coming of Jesus Christ. Those who believe in Jesus Christ are represented as the children of Tamar. Those children of Judah or Jews who reject Christ are represented by the children of the first wife who is unnamed. Her children represent the first and second temple periods which lead to destruction and the third child Shelah who faded into obscurity and insignificance.
John 3:36 He who believes in the Son has life but he who does not believe in the Son does not have life but the wrath of God abides in him.
The first Christians were Jews, the Jews who did not believe went through the second temple destruction or went on to form modern Judaism which is the synagogue system.
The first temple period symbolized by Er basically represents the time from Moses to the destruction of the first Temple. It is well documented that the people were sold into captivity and the city of Jerusalem was destroyed because the people worship false gods and practiced wickedness.
The children of Judah returned after seventy years for David's sake because God had made a promise to David. Jesus Christ is the son of David who sits on the throne forever. After the Christ was born the second temple was destroyed.
The second son Onan represents the second temple period. When the Jews were in captivity in Babylon they had to find a way to carry on the law of Moses. Because the temple was destroyed they developed the synagogue system and the Talmud.
In Ezra chapter 9 and 10 we read about the dilemma that they had to deal with because many of the Jews had mingled with the foreign people from other nations. Many of them ended up putting away their foreign wives. This is represented by Onan spilling his seed upon the ground.

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