Ep18 p3of6 Judah the lawgiver

3 years ago

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This is part 3 of 6 in a bible study series about Judah. In Genesis chapter 49 Jacob prophesied about Judah. He said the scepter shall not depart from Judah until Shiloh comes and unto him shall the gathering of the people be. Judah had lost his scepter or his staff once before to Tamar when he traded it to her for prostitution. He had it returned to him when he found out that Tamar was pregnant with his child.
Shiloh means peace or security. There are 2 times the scepter departed from Judah, the first time was when he gave it to Tamar and she was pregnant with the child who would carry the lineage of the King. Shiloh is a person, the scepter shall depart from Judah when Shiloh comes and to HIM the people shall gather. Jesus Christ is the prince of peace, since Jesus came and took the throne of Judah there is no longer a lawgiver in the lineage of Judah because the lawgiver has been born.
The ancient town of Shiloh was where the tent of the sanctuary stood for many years until it was replaced by the Temple of Solomon. Psalm 78 clearly shows how the tabernacle of Shiloh was rejected by God in favor of Mount Zion. The Ark of the covenant was moved to the Temple of Judah and now the promise of the eternal throne was given to David who was a son of Judah, this now eliminates all other sons of Judah, the promise is now through David specifically. 2 Samuel chapter 7.
At first the promise to David was though to be fulfilled through Solomon but Solomon failed and his kingdom was overthrown. The promise was fulfilled through Jesus Christ son of David who sits on the eternal throne.
Jesus Christ son of David the great lawgiver.

Isaiah 42 he shall bring forth judgement to the gentiles he shall bring forth judgement unto truth he shall set judgement in the earth and the isles shall wait for his law.
In Hebrew scripture the isles of the gentiles is generally referring to the Aegean sea. Jesus Christ brought forth his law to the gentiles through the Greek language of the New Testament.
Behold the former things have come to pass and new things I declare
Jesus Christ fulfilled the law of the old covenant and brought in a new and everlasting covenant.
Isaiah 42:17 condemnation of graven images and he shall magnify the law and make it holy
How did Jesus magnify the law?
Matthew 5

Adultery: whoever looks at a woman and lusts after her has committed adultery in his heart
If your right eye offends thee pluck it out.

Whoever shall put away his wife except for the cause of adultery causes her to commit adultery and whoever marries her that is divorced commits adultery
Turn the other cheek instead of an eye for an eye love your enemy bless them that curse you.
The law of Jesus is in all of his parables and all of his words.
Isaiah 51
A law shall proceed from me and I shall make my law rest for a light of the people. My righteousness is near my salvation is gone forth my salvation shall be forever
In this passage God himself is the servant and the people reject him. This happened in Jesus Christ being crucified by his people the Jews of his time.
Isaiah 43
The blind and deaf let the nations be gathered. God himself is the savior. You are my witnesses that I am God.

This is about Jesus Christ the light to the gentiles, the living God in the flesh.

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