Let’s Talk: Conversation Starters for Dads & Daughters with Guest Dr Michelle Watson Canfield full

3 years ago

Many teenage girls and women wish they had a better relationship with their dads. But fathers are often hesitant to talk with their daughters about things that really matter, as if they’d rather do nothing at all than do it wrong. Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield, author of Let’s Talk: Conversation Starters for Dads and Daughters, shares with co-host Dr. Tim Clinton about how dads can begin to have meaningful conversations with their daughters. Girls tend to figure things out and feel valued as they can talk it through. Dr. Watson Canfield provides easy ways for dads to facilitate discussion and dive into their daughters’ struggles, hurts, fears, and hopes.

About Today's Guest: Michelle Watson Canfield
Michelle Watson Canfield is a licensed professional counselor, author, speaker, and podcast host of The Dad Whisperer. As founder of The Abba Project, a program for dads of daughters ages 13 to 30, she equips fathers to connect to their daughters’ hearts intentionally and consistently. She and her husband, Dr. Ken Canfield, are the co-chairs of the Father-Daughter Initiative at the National Center for Fathering. They reside in Portland, Oregon.

Resources Mentioned:
Let’s Talk: Conversation Starters for Dads and Daughters book by Michelle Watson Canfield
Dr. Michelle Watson - http://www.drmichellewatson.com/

For more information and to connect with all resources mentioned – http://drjamesdobson.org/broadcast/2021-07-14

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