Ep17 p7of7 Bethlehem of Ephrathah

3 years ago

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This is part 7 of a 7 part bible study series about Ephraim and Manasseh.
There are at least two Israels. The twelve tribes are the nation of Israel, under David and Solomon it was the united monarchy of Israel, Jacob was renamed Israel, his twelve sons were the children of Israel, after Solomon the monarchy was divided between the southern kingdom of Judah and the northern kingdom of Israel. The nation of Judah was of Israel but was not called Israel. When the Jews returned from Babylonian captivity they were no longer called Israel, they were called Judah or Judea. There came to be more than one Israel because Israel was divided. There is also more than one Ephraim.
David was an Ephrathite from the tribe of Judah (1 Samuel 17). Ephrathite is another way of saying Ephraimite.
Israels wife Rachel died while giving birth to Benjamin. She was buried in Bethlehem on the way to Ephrath. When Joseph, the older son of Rachel was in Egypt, he named his second son Ephraim which means ' people of Ephrath '. This word is tied to where his mother is buried.
In the book of Ruth we read about David's grandmother Ruth the Moabite. When she married David's grandfather Boaz the elders at the gate said 'do thou worthily in Ephratah and be famous in Bethlehem '. David was born in Bethlehem where the grave of Rachel is located and the town of Bethlehem had an affinity with Rachel and they called themselves Ephrathites even though they were not children from Rachel. They had a spiritual attachment to Ephratah and to Rachel.
The prophet Micah in chapter 5 indicated that the ruler of Israel, the messiah would come out of Bethlehem Ephratah. This was fulfilled in Matthew chapter 2 when King Herod inquired of the priests where the messiah shall be born.
Jeremiah prophesied in chapter 31About Rachel weeping for her children because they are not. In Mathew chapter 2 this prophecy of Jeremiah is tied to the slaughter of the innocents when King Herod slaughtered all the children in Bethlehem. This prophecy of Jeremiah directly ties the repentance and return of Ephraim to YHWH with Christianity.
Ephraim was one tribe during the time of the book of Judges, then they became the Northern Kingdom of Israel AKA Ephraim, they then became Ephraim the lost ten tribes of Israel, they then became Ephraim the redeemed. They were scattered among the gentiles and then the gospel went out to the gentiles. Part of that is the gospel going out to regather Ephraim but there is also the Ephraim of Ephrathah Bethlehem, the people of Rachel's children, those who are killed in the name of Christ.
Christians all through history have been killed for their faith.
This video ends our series on Ephraim. This helps to give us a deeper understanding of the book of Genesis. The book of Genesis is like a table of contents to the bible. God is telling us the end from the beginning. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob represent the Father and Isaac was his son whom he was willing to sacrifice and the son of Isaac was Jacob who wrestled with God and was renamed Israel. This is an object lesson of the trinity, the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Father is Abraham the Son is Isaac, who was sacrificed and the Holy Spirit is represented as the man Jacob who was transformed by God and became Israel. The other people in the book of Genesis are also object lessons, the entire bible plays out around this theme which begins in the book of Genesis.
We skipped over the first part of the book of Genesis from the creation until Noah because when we look at that we are going to discuss the other creation stories from the Sumerian and the Babylonian. Most of those are from the library of Ashurbanipal, the last great king of the Assyrian Empire. He lived in about 650BC and he built a library in Nineveh.
The Assyrian Empire and the city of Nineveh were always thought to be myths until the city was actually discovered in the late 1850's, the library of Ashurbanipal within the city was discovered in the late 1920's. This is a huge library of clay tablets containing Cuneiform and Akkadian writings. This is where these Sumerian creation stories were found. It will be better if we wait till we get to that time in our study . Moses lived at about 1475BC and the flood was about 2500BC. That is about 2000 years ahead of Ashurbanipal it wouldn't be fair for us be 2000 years ahead of their discoveries.
Some argue that Moses got his stories from the Sumerians but Ashurbanipal is 1000 years after Moses. The clay tablets written in the time of Ashurbanipal tell a history previous to his time that actually may have been influenced by Moses.
In our channel the History of God we are still within the book of Genesis but we are following some of these rabbit holes in history for a greater understanding of the prophetic nature of the book of Genesis.

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