A Country Run By Stupid People June 28, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

3 years ago

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A Country Run By Stupid People June 28, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

This is what I heard about America, repeatedly, this week---- overtly, explicitly, and sometimes with diplomatic tact, too --- but all the same message from friends and foes all over the planet. We are, according to them, a country run by stupid people.
Reading the newspaper this morning, I was struck by it again. The lead story was about the return of the remains of a young Aleut girl who died at an Indian Residential School from Tuberculosis in 1905. The article decried the "cultural genocide" (they finally found a name for it) that occurred especially in the Western United States and Canada for a hundred years following the end of the Civil War.
Oh, wait, the Civil War never "officially" ended.....
Between 1865 and 1965 hundreds of thousands of Native children were stolen and transported anywhere from ten miles to thousands of miles from home and family, to "residential schools" where strangers forced them into the mold of white Christian society and gave them the very distinct message that their native culture was something to be ashamed of and eradicated, their religion was savage superstition, and that they, themselves, were racially inferior and subordinate in every way.
Meantime, their parents were segregated and herded onto reservations, isolated, with no work, no way forward, and only the most meager sort of "government support" to eke out a truncated and miserable existence on welfare, or as factory slave labor, or as piecemeal workers for "charity" organizations.
I saw the tail end of this in Wisconsin. It wasn't pretty.
You would think that we, as a country, would have learned from this experience.
But, look what we are doing now, allowing Child Protective Services Agents --- Foreign Agents of Foreign Governments --- to steal children from parents and grandparents based on "Anonymous Tips" and to indoctrinate the kidnapped children according to "Government Specs" in the same exact way.
Isn't it about time we put our flat little feet down, and told our Public Servants to pound sand? Why wait a hundred years to wake up and say, oh, oops, wrong again? It's not right to take children from their families and indoctrinate them....
In America, tips about suspected crimes have to be substantiated and verified. In America, people have the right to face their accusers. In America, the government pays the costs of an investigation, not the party being accused.
But, now, thanks to a phony, undisclosed, illegal, immoral, and unlawful registration processes, most people aren't living in America anymore.
Instead, most Americans are presumed to be living in "the US" ---- a neighboring slave empire owned and operated by the Pope and the British Crown and a bunch of complicit American Toadies.
Our kids are being kidnapped; their for-hire Mercenaries are charging us between $6,000 per day and $9,000 per day for the service of kidnapping and trafficking our children--- and we are paying for it. Through the nose.
It's hard to argue with the snooty French diplomats, who ask--- who in their right mind would put up with this? Only stupid people would set up such a system, and worse, only stupid people would put up with it.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/06/a-country-run-by-stupid-people.html

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