Article 5254 Video - International Public Notice: Money Manifesto By Anna Von Reitz

6 days ago

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Article 5254 Video - International Public Notice: Money Manifesto - Sunday, February 2, 2025 By Anna Von Reitz

What we ultimately mean to do is to end the use of graven images and idols ---that is, engraved paper "money" and coins representing other commodities --- along with a permanent end of slavery and peonage.

Nobody needs to wonder what we are about or make any guesses about what we mean to do. Our intentions are crystal clear and on the public record.

These great evils referenced above cause additional great evils -- moral decay and loss of sanity, drug use, wars, and always, false claims of overpopulation.

It is no accident that these same conditions are with us now. This same odd collection of maladies attended the collapse of many of the known major ancient civilizations including Babylon, Crete, Greece, Carthage, and Rome.

It's as if, one British archeologist opined, the same invisible parasite arrives and begins eating away each subsequent civilization....

That parasite has a name: idolatry.

We are tricked into accepting the "appearance" of value, for value itself.

A statue for a god.

A coin for a carrot.

A piece of engraved paper for a coin.

A digit entered on a ledger for a piece of engraved paper.

A digit entered on a ledger for a "digital coin", and here we are, vaguely aware that we've heard this song before.

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