A Journey of Widowhood and Grief - Part 2 with Guest Joyce Rogers

3 years ago

When Pastor Adrian Rogers died, he left behind Joyce, his bride of 54 years. As she grappled with grief, Psalm 63:3-4 helped her focus on God. “Because Your loving kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise You. Thus, I will bless You while I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name.” Years later, on Valentine’s Day, Joyce, the author of Grace for the Widow: A Journey Through the Fog of Loss, invited 14 widows over for dinner to share special memories about their husbands. Healing flowed through their joyful tears.

About Today's Guest: Joyce Rogers
Joyce Rogers is the wife of the late Adrian Rogers, renowned Baptist minister and founder of Love Worth Finding Ministries. Joyce is the author of numerous books including Therefore I Hope in Him and Grace for the Widow. Joyce and Adrian made their home in suburban Memphis, Tennessee, and have five grown children and several grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Resources Mentioned:
Grace for the Widow: A Journey through the Fog of Loss book by Joyce Rogers
Elisabeth Elliott
“Face to Face with Christ, my Savior” hymn

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