HVSE Episode 79

3 years ago

Screwed up techno intro, Taylor is running the video switcher, this is NOT Kimball's podcast, Jeremy is under quarantine (roommate tested positive to Covid-19), Hyrum believes "anything is a dildo if you try hard enough", what it's like to date a trust fund baby, Taylor is now DS (Drunk Sperm), blow & hookers, having a closed casket funeral takes away jobs, Jeremy wants to be on "America's Got Talent", need to crossover "Slacks" and "Kill Dozer", talked about "Dead Snow", DS clicks very loudly, what are the voices saying?, who started "Gay Chicken"?, what Hyrum learned from TikTok, more on Steven Segal films, discussion of Shia Lebuff, Hyrum's soul is a black hole, more Bungled Baja, talked about John Candy, Florida the gift that keeps on giving - more on the youth pastor, Dead Pool on who dies next in our family, Hyrum and Kimball need to make a movie that fails with other people's money "Songs of the South 2, Uncle Remus's Reckoning", who's going to rape Kimball in the mental institution?, Hyrum should be a serial killer but chooses not to be, Jeremy saw Grandma and Grandpa having sex, time for toilet babies, closed out with Yanni.

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