The Peacekeeping Task Force Issues June 18, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

3 years ago

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The Peacekeeping Task Force Issues June 18, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

We have removed Eric Dingis and placed him on administrative leave, from which he has subsequently resigned. The interim Peacekeeping Task Force Director, Susan Hauck, has also been placed on administrative leave. We are reviewing the situation and the personnel associated with the PKTF to ascertain the cause of the problem(s) and the damage done.
There are a number of fundamental issues to be addressed. The Peacekeeping Task Force, as the name suggests, is supposed to be focused on peacekeeping. Peacekeeping is a function separate from any aspect of national defense or law enforcement.
Peacekeeping is the unique power and responsibility to enforce the Public Law.
This entire country has suffered for lack of civilian public courts and peacekeepers to enforce the Public Law.
We are facing a cataclysmic failure of justice and criminality in high places which results in crimes against the existing Public Law, not war in the absence of Public Law.
These are distinctly different things. Crime is apolitical. It harms everyone.
One responds to crime against the Public Law by summoning the civilian court authorities into Session and electing, deputizing and/or commissioning peacekeeping officers to enforce the Public Law---including the Constitutions.
This circumstance is largely the fault of our foreign subcontractors' failure to honestly and transparently inform their employers about the situation --- the absence of one-third of our government, the absence of half of our banks, and the absence of a complete judicial system, for starters.
As we rouse ourselves to restore our government, our banks, and our judicial system, there is a great deal to do, and much confusion. There are also multiple mercenary forces deployed under color of law, who have been misdirected to undermine and attack the people who pay their bills.
To explain how this works --- we, the American Federation of States --- have a contract known as The Constitution of the United States, with the Holy See.
The Holy See has hired a municipal corporation doing business as the United States, Inc., to do the work. The United States, Inc., has in turn hired "Agencies" --- BLM, FBI, FEMA, BATF, DOJ, etc., to do work for them. This is contractually illegal, as a contract distributes rights and rights cannot be subcontracted --- nonetheless, the Holy See has failed its duty, and these subcontractors-of-subcontractors have been allowed to murder people and commit other crimes without accountability and without oversight.
So when Americans are accosted by, say, the FBI, these Americans are being misaddressed by Subcontractors of Subcontractors of Subcontractors---- and because of this two and three-deep Middleman system, the actual Principals have hoped to insulate themselves from being accountable.

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