Article 5185 Video - The civil war proof of peace - Tuesday, December 24, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 5185 Video - The civil war proof of peace - Tuesday, December 24, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

A Christmas Claim

It has been said that peace was established at Appomattox, Virginia, based on the fact that Lee rode away with his sword and sidearm.

Is this true?

Not really. What happened between Grant and Lee was an Armistice—- not a Peace Treaty process or anything like it.

A real Peace Treaty was not possible because the conflict itself was commercial in nature, and so, was basically illegal and outside the norms that govern peace processes.

Andrew Johnson attempted to fix this by proclaiming "peace on the land" on three different public occasions, and thereby forming a contract for peace.

When the Scottish Commercial Corporation calling itself The United States of America, Incorporated, failed in 1907, it caused another commercial conflagration we know as World War I.

Years later, when another foreign corporation calling itself "the United States of America, Incorporated" went bankrupt, another commercial "war" erupted— World War II.

Now, both the United States, Inc., and the USA, Inc., have gone bankrupt, and the expectation of the Perpetrators of all this war profiteering has clearly been to start yet a third commercial conflict — World War III, which would fill their coffers and bankrupt everyone else —- again.

This time, we saw it coming.

This time, we denied them bankruptcy protection.

This time, we said —"No!" And we called them out for what they have been doing. We started arresting the Perps. We woke up.

Even though they tried to engender civil unrest and reignite old racial prejudices under Obama, it didn't work. Their October Surprise in Gaza has only resulted in genocide and clearly identified the aggressors. The "secret war" in Syria is revealing the dirty hands and role of the Roman Catholic Church. The Commercial Conflict in Ukraine— we all know it would not exist, except for the 2014 massacre of the elected Ukrainian Government by operatives of Black Rock, the CiA and MI 6.

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