The (Thoroughly Discredited) Reign of the Heavens Society June 4, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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Christopher Doherty Equals The (Thoroughly Discredited) Reign of the Heavens Society June 4, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

And Christopher Doherty also equals the "American Herald" and the American National Union of The United States of America, also. Which nobody ever heard of, and would do well to steer clear of.
Mr. Doherty has seen fit to issue another "hit piece" trying to attack my credibility and the standing of our State Assemblies, but what has actually happened is that the snake oil that he and the Reign of the Heavens Society have been selling came to an abrupt end once the Territorial and Municipal Authorities figured out that those completely confused Bounders were infringing on our Good Name, The United States of America ---- similar to what the Scottish Interloper successfully pulled off in the 1860's, and no doubt aiming at the same end--- to foist themselves off as our lawful Federation of States and gain access to our credit by deceit.
So, all their grand claims to be "The United States of America, Incorporated" were recognized as fraud and they were forced to shut down. Imagine that? Once again, they accuse their opponents of doing exactly what they did themselves, and lie through their teeth about it.
The same old modus operandi of the Liars Club, again: accuse others of doing what you yourself did.
Even after this rather hard wake-up call, the would-be pirates continue their personal assaults, false accusations, and innuendos.
Anyone who wants to know the truth about my purported "blood oath" is advised to think about what Communion really is and really means; and they are also instructed to read the very first Article on my website, the Letter to Cardinal George ( and finally, to also read my first book, Disclosure 101 --- if they wish to know about the work I did for the Pope for seven years and a whole lot more.

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