'Live your Catholic faith and let God take care of the rest'

3 years ago

Lisa Bergman, founder of St. Augustine Academy Press, told LifeSiteNews that despite the many scandals in the Church and the widespread lack of Catholic identity around the world today, that she believes that we are living through “a time of great blessing.”
"I’m really finding that there are parishes where there is a strong Catholic identity, and an understanding of who we are as Catholics and what the Catholic faith really means to us," Bergman said. "Because we want to live that life, especially now more than ever, now that we’ve been locked down, and been forced to come back to the bare minimum. Now we really value where our roots are, and now we really want to flourish, we want to be all in now.”

Read the article: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/live-your-catholic-faith-and-let-god-take-care-of-the-rest-catholic-publisher-tells-lifesitenews

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