WHAT TO KNOW | why Pope Francis is attacking Trump's policy

7 days ago

Pope Francis has sparked controversy by criticizing Trump's immigration and deportation policies, as well as comments made by Vice President J.D. Vance on the ordo amoris, the natural order of love and justice. Vance argued that individuals have a primary duty to care for their own families and communities before extending charity to others, a principle rooted in Catholic social teaching and upheld by figures like St. Paul and St. Thomas Aquinas. Francis rejected this idea, instead using the parable of the Good Samaritan to justify mass migration, a move critics argue distorts the true meaning of the Gospel. Critics claim that Francis’ stance aligns with globalist ideology, which seeks to erase national borders and flood markets with cheap labor, ultimately benefiting corporate elites while destabilizing traditional communities. 

Francis is accused of undermining Catholic social teaching and advancing a radical internationalist agenda by insisting that nations prioritize migrants over their own struggling citizens. His dismissal of concerns about national identity and social stability raises questions about his motivations, with some suggesting he is serving the interests of powerful globalist forces rather than defending the moral and social order of the Church.

WATCH MORE: https://www.lifesitenews.com/episodes/breaking-pope-francis-declares-war-on-trumps-immigration-crackdown/

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