Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice-Blood Money 18-Apr 29 2021 By Anna VonReitz

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Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- Blood Money 18 -- Hollywood East April 29, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

I am now given to understand that the "Arise America" Tour being popularized by Robert David Steele and Sasha Stone is actually being funded by the shadowy Bush-connected "We, the People" organization, and that their overtures to the American State Assemblies to financially support and participate in their Tour is an effort to co-opt our efforts.
We weren't told that "We, the People" was involved.
Instead of it being an opportunity to bring the truth out, it's a means to associate themselves and their organization with us. But just enough to lend themselves our legitimacy.
The problem with "We, the People" is that they are the wrong "People".
The only People who are Parties to the Constitutions and enabled to enforce them are the State Citizens, as is shown by our earlier information published as Blood Money 17 -- The Bond System.
Those operating the "We, the People" organization are in fact Territorial U.S. Citizens and they are clinging stubbornly to that political status.
Because they want to "represent" us, and deny our ability to present ourselves ----with no agency granted to them.
After all, impersonating us as British Territorial U.S. Citizens is how they got their foot in the door, how they managed to act in Breach of Trust and latch onto our Good Names and Persons to benefit their Queen and their Pope in the first place.
This is what we call "Hollywood East".
Virtually all these people are literally Actors --- some of them very Bad Actors, indeed.
They are the ones who stage False Flags all over this country, the same Jokers who conduct business as "Acts" of Congress --- literally, acts as in stage play acts.
Most of them have been deluded to think that they are doing something great, something necessary, a "sacred cause" --- when in fact, all they are doing is promoting a phony, illegal, commercial mercenary "war" and pillaging their country and their countrymen to do it.
Who was John Wilkes Booth? An actor.

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