Article 5223 Video - International Public Notice: The Seal of Time By Anna Von Reitz

14 days ago

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Article 5223 Video - International Public Notice: The Seal of Time - Monday, January 20, 2025 By Anna Von Reitz

Now you know that time does not exist.

This has been proven mathematically many times, but each time the mathematicians come forward they are killed or blackmailed or threatened into silence.

Now that you know that "now" is the Alpha and Omega, and know that an immortal seal was placed upon this moment called "now" as a home and inheritance for all of you forever, give thanks.

Thank the Creator. Love the Creator. Observe the Creation and learn from it. Love it, but do not worship it. Be amazed by what you learn and open your heart and ask to learn more.

Long ago, the Kings of Normandy realized this truth about time—- that only one moment exists.

That's why it's their seal, the bright Star of Venus, with its five points and it's upward pointing spire, that reminds us of this sacred moment on Earth and in our hearts. Now is our eternal home.

The Roman Church has told you to live a good life of endless work and sacrifice; and, wait for your reward in Heaven. Yet, as there is no time, there is no waiting, either. It's all here, right now.

All that stands between you and Heaven right now, is a lie.

There is no death. You have never been dead and never will be dead. You need not fear the loss of your physical body, any more than you fear the changing of the seasons. Those you love are always with you.


The Roman Church has told you to suffer and give and sacrifice everything for God, but God has no need of your sacrifice. He only tells you your purpose as caretakers of the Earth and of the animals and each other, because acting as caretakers will make you happy and fulfilled.

That is the divine mission and purpose you were given and you will never be truly happy until you accept its challenges. Accept this mission and grow, in happiness and fulfillment. Let your joy fill the Earth.

So now you know your true purpose and you know that time does not exist.

You also need to know that you are the true and only value, because you give value to everything else.

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