Angry Karen fingers me in the park - Wrongthink #11

3 years ago

In this episode of Wrongthink I set off across London to try to buy food at the Co-Op, on the way I encounter many, many dreaded Mini Cooper drivers who all seem to think their cars are wider than the widest wide thing.

Whilst having an enjoyable rant about electric scooter riders an angry Karren fingers me, unfortunately, she likes to dish it out but doesn't like to take it, and says she's calling the police.

0:00 Not much of a trick
0:08 Influencers get brought their coffee
0:52 The new one has always been the last one this year
2:18 There are always three ways to get there
3:55 She will never wear out her mini cooper windows
4:16 OMG it's a mini cooper, put the cones out
5:09 How does it breath
5:30 Non-urgent blood
5:47 He doesn't know how wide it is
6:02 She drops her phone, Lolas's cupcakes
6:54 Beaten by an electric scooter, the humiliation is complete
7:45 Angrey Karren fingers me
8:40 It was wider than a wide thing
9:25 Duck lips
10:06 Mini cooper driver bravely goes offroading
10:46 Mini cooper driver destroys the whole herd of polar bears whilst safely masked up
12:04 Souped up mini cooper to dawdle around town in
12:35 What do you call a blonde driving a mini cooper
12:46 The car that can't fit through gaps
13:18 I really was going to the co-op
13:59 Mini cooper is a British word


#London #mini #cooper

Any complaints or negative observations about my riding skills (or lack of) must be directed to . All the bits that look dangerous or illegal are CGI or performed only in the viewers' mind and didn't really happen. Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality.


Music from Epidemic Sound

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