20210401 Section 230 - Again! - The Daily Summation

3 years ago

The last time I spoke on Section 230, it WAS NOT to say the regulation had no business for existence.

Rather, I addressed the idea that various entities were "covering their cabooses," using Section 230 to do so.

I got "spammed" when I put that video on YouTube. That made me reexamine my perspective.

The effect will be basically the EXACT OPPOSITE of what the person who wrote interminable gobbledygook probable had ANY DESIRE to see.

For me, I come away SERIOUSLY QUESTIONING ANY valid reason for Section 230 to exist AT ALL.

You can bet, to begin with, it helps the rich and powerful, to "escape" when they should be held accountable. As for the the "under classes?" You can pretty much wager they receive VIRTUALLY NO protection from it.

On top of that, it's also pretty likely there are EXISTING laws and precedents that cover the things Section 230 codifies.

That's why I made this edition of The Daily Summation from Kurt's Religion and Politics. Does Section 230 have ANY VALID REASON FOR EXISTING? I argue I DOES NOT.

By all means, if you have SOMETHING MEANINGFUL TO SAY (please don't spam me with copious, meaningless verbal diarrhea), by all means, let me know in a comment on this video.

When I'm able to complete the companion article on the Kurt's Religion and Politics blog, I'll post a link to it here.

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Thanks again for visiting my channel and watching this video. Hope your day is a good one.

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