ELTV: His Gay Life, Her Queer Life...Interrupted by a Dream!

3 years ago

On this episode of ELTV, Our guests will share about their journey from childhood, and what happened to them when they thought their plans were set! This is their story, raw, real and revealing!

The question is: Spiritual Dreams, and sexuality: what is the common thread?

One of our guests left this Message after the show taping:

"My only prayer is that Christ finishes the work He began in my older brothers and younger brothers life!!! It was never my desire to cause you pain when I recorded this video. It was my desire to give Christ, ALL HONOR & GLORY!!! May the Lord bring us together again in heaven.

This video opened the door for reconciliation between my birth father and I, in a way I never imagined. Praise be to the Living Messiah, Christ Jesus, Lord of my life that my father and I are now BEST FRIENDS!!! My mother and I have always been BEST FRIENDS. It was the fact that she prayed for me every day I was lost as well as the prayers from my older sister, who has a different birth father then I, Angela Lopez-Burgos-Valentin that I save the WOMAN of Christ I am today.

However, I am sorry to the family members in my life who are still struggling with their sexuality. Sorry. Sorry I shared my story. Sorry Christ healed me, I know He will heal you too. Until then. Forgive me for any disrespect you feel from this video.

What Adam & I experienced was from Jesus, The Living, Messiah. Last Sunday, after going to Chicago Pride to share my story and praying with others who wanted to be healed as well, Christ came back to me in a dream that night and I was at the banquet table eating Puerto Rican food of course, and no longer was I crying. So, this is to each and every one of my family members who have disowned me. Until you forgive me for this video, I am forever sorry. You have asked me not to come come to the family reunion on the 27th of this month, so I will respect that. Part 2 will be Adam's story because I do not desire to hurt my family anymore. Te Amo, con todo mi Corazon, alma!!! Until then, family, may Christ open up the eyes of the blind.

May revival come into this city, Chicago needs to turn back to Jesus, as the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Love you, Adam, Tyshaun is a GREAT person, as is your mother. Thank you for all your love since June 3rd. Taping this video and living with you was awesome. I know Christ is going to do for Tyshaun what He did for us and everyone else currently struggling with this heart pain."

In Christ, Alone & Always,
~Yennifer Munoz-Martinez

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