The Ways and Strength of Kings

4 years ago

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CORRECTION: Michal was David's first wife not Bathsheba. She also had other children beside Solomon.

Whenever Proverbs 31 is read, it is understood to be a prophecy in reference to the New Testament church of today. Perhaps it is. We understand that King Solomon wrote it, but it was a word spoken to him by his mother Bathsheba. The greater attention to this Proverb is largely relegated to women. How they can become better wives, mothers, and workers in the body of Christ. I have wrestled with this all my life.

I do not want to be stuffed into a corner with the understanding it is just for women's groups. It never rested well with me. There is something more costly, more beautiful, and rich than just earthly born again women learning to be virtuous. After all Bathsheba was telling her son, the would-be king what to do and how to do it right. She was not talking to women.

I cannot reckon this chapter to be the center point of a "women only" concept and perception. Bathsheba knew what destroyed kings, and giving over their ways and strength to things and people that would bring them down to the ground. She was the wife of King David after all. Her own beginnings with that King was the beginning of her instruction of wisdom that she passed onto Solomon. She taught him something his father David could not teach him.

The modern day thought of well meaning people claim that there is no one that can keep these ways Bathsheba, by the Holy Spirit spoke of. I beg to differ. If the Holy Spirit gave these ways to keep, then they are keepable. But they are only keepable to those who choose to keep them. And not in a religious mechanical act, but from a yearning heart to obey. In fact, all of these things that the Holy Spirit said to do were not suggestions, nor were they recommendations. They were commanded, and not to everyone, but to her son who would be a great king.

A person truly born of the Holy Spirit has all within themselves to do it, being empowered by Him to perform it. A day will come when we will reign with Christ on earth in the Millennial Reign as "kings and priests." This is a prophecy that will come to pass. During your life, do not give yourself and your strength to ways and things that destroy kings. But give yourself and ways to Jesus Christ who is your everlasting "King of Kings and Lord of Lords," and this will be be your success now in this life. And in the world to come....everlasting life. Contact:




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