IPGraySpace: Docker - How to install posh-docker in Docker Container in windows

4 years ago

IPGraySpace: Docker - How to install posh-docker in Docker Container in windows

This video shows How to install posh-docker in Docker Container in windows

1. You should have docker installed first, install it before you create any container

2. if you don't Docker follow the IPGraySpace video on ...
IPGraySpace: Docker - How to download and install Docker Container in windows

also, follow the IPGraySpace video on ...
IPGraySpace: Docker - How to install Ubuntu Linux in Docker Container in windows also, follow IPGraySpace video on ...
IPGraySpace: Docker - How to install webserver Nginx in Docker Container in windows

3. Open cmd prompt or windows power shell as Administrator
try the following command before you download posh-docker

4. Check docker version with the following command
docker --version
docker-compose --version
docker-machine --version

5. Try the following commands
docker ps ( this will show you the container and the image you have installed)
docker info

6. Run hello world
docker run hello-world

7. Download posh-docker
you need to set permission before you download posh-docker

get-executionpolicy (this confirm the policy is accepted by your computer)
the result should say 'RemoteSigned'

to install posh-docker type......
Install-Module posh-docker

type the following (which I just did ..this will profile in the PowerShell to access posh)

if (-Not (Test-Path $PROFILE)) {
New-Item $PROFILE –Type File –Force

Add-Content $PROFILE "`nImport-Module posh-docker"

Open the docker in the toolbar you will see the options added to it

8. Follow the instruction in the video

Follow more IPGRAY videos on Docker on youtube

more Docker vides on creating a container with Linux, glassfish, java, and more

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