God Pours out His Holy Spirit on Israel

4 years ago

God now brings the promise of blessings to Israel. Specifically, the repentant who are thirsty for their Messiah after so long of denying Him. Israel will undergo a national regeneration after the end of the Campaign of Armageddon. The Lord is making a promise to the patriarch Jacob. Although for most of Jewish history Jacob would have been ashamed of the waywardness of his descendants, when the national regeneration comes, he will be proud of them (Isaiah 29:22–24).

The regeneration will be a result of the judgments of the Great Tribulation, which will be God’s discipline upon the nation of Israel in order to correct them (Isaiah 30:18–22). It will be by way of the judgments of the Tribulation that Israel will come to a saving knowledge of her Messiah. It was God Who chose Israel from the very beginning. Israel has not yet fully become the chosen vessel of which she is destined and chosen to be. God will pour out His Spirit upon the entire nation (v. 3) with the result that Israel will begin to bear fruit (v. 4) and will remain ever loyal to her God (v. 5)

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