How to overcome an orphan spirit (How to stop worry and anxiety video series)

4 years ago

An orphan spirit can really keep us from being successful in our lives, and most times, we don’t even realize we’re being influenced by one!

When we come into the world, we’re totally dependent on our parents, who are bearing to us the Image of God, so we subconsciously end up projecting what they did right or wrong on God, but also God onto them.

We start expecting them to do things for us that only God can, so when they inadvertently disappoint us, an orphan spirit can come in through this open door and start influencing us negatively.

Instead of staying on course, focused on fulfilling God’s Purpose for our lives and marriages – or even finding out about God and that He has a Plan for us – we’re trying to fill up our love tanks the wrong way. Whether we’re chasing after things, people, or experiences, the truth is we will not be able to see our reality clearly until we get rid of this spirit in our lives.

In the area of the love languages, it can negatively influence us to think those around us don’t care about us or love us, to think they’re unwilling to speak our love languages, to think we’re stuck in a rut with no way out, and to even get us to consider getting a divorce! But in this particular case – it’s not about our spouse, and as much as they try, they can’t close our open door to this spirit, only we can! Let’s do that!!

I hope you enjoy this video and find it helpful, and I hope it encourages you to get rid of any orphan spirit influencing you today! Because getting rid of emotional garbage such as worry and anxiety (which is an open door for such a spirit in our lives) will help us to not only be able to feel loved by others in whatever love language they may be speaking, but it will help us to be able to be more loving towards them in all the love languages!

God bless you, abundantly!!

Here is an amazing sermon from pastor Preston Morrison who speaks more in depth about the Love of God – which will push away any and all evil spirits trying to keep us away from God:

⭐️ Jesus The Lover | Preston Morrison | Gateway Church

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