SCANNING AND ROUNDABOUTS, Driving Lessons with Mr. T.

4 years ago

Jump in and drive along with Mr. T. as he demonstrates scanning as you drive, looking for pedestrians and bikers, and preparing to enter a roundabout.

--The purpose of a roundabout is to keep the traffic moving.

--Be sure to get ready to pause before entering the roundabout if there are cars already circling inside it.

--Be sure to use your turn signal especially as you exit the roundabout so the other cars entering will know which way you plan to go, and they won't have to pause or stop.

Note: the driving videos can make Mr. T.'s car look like it's going very fast, but be assured that Mr. T. **always** drives within the speed limit and that it is only because it's a video that it appears to be faster than it actually is.

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