Demo of gambling top used to cheat people. Beware!

4 years ago

The top has close to a 90% win rate for the cheater
The cheat has to pay attention if the person is right handed or left handed. How to Play: 1The first spinner establishes the "Ante" amount to start a round. 2. Each player puts up an Ante. There can be any number of rounds to a game. 3.The "Ante" can be anything. An amount of money, tokens, clothing ( strip poker!), even livestock, use your imagination! 4. Any spinner can start a round of play. 5. The first player spins the top. If the top comes down "P" side uppermost the player puts into the pot the amount of Ante(s) indicated (i.e. Put one, two, three or All). For "AP" all players re-ante one into the pot. If the spinner lands with "Take" side uppermost the player takes the amount indicated from the pot. After spinning the player passes the top be re-started with a new Ante. 6. The Top can be passed in any direction as long as it maintains that same direction for the entire round. The markings on the top generally mean: T1 = The spinner takes one (1) Ante from the pot. T2 = The spinner takes two (2) Antes from the pot. T3 = The spinner takes three (3) Antes from the pot. P1 = The spinner Re-Antes one (1) into the pot. P2 = The spinner Re-Antes two (2) into the pot. P3 = The spinner Re-Antes three (3) into the pot. AP = The spinner and "All Players" Re-Ante one (1) into the pot. TA = The spinner "Takes All". That's how the honest game was played.

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