Mike Caro's Texas Hold'em Proposition Wager.

4 years ago

Mike Caro's Texas Hold'em Proposition Wager. You present a spectator with these 3 hands and invite them to choose a hand. And you also tell them that you will pick one of the remaining hands to play against them. 4 Diamonds, 4 Clubs (Pair of 4's.) J Hearts, 10 Hearts (Jack,Ten suited.) A Clubs, K Spades ( Ace, King unsuited.) After they choose their hand, and you picked your hand, the hand not chosen is put back into the deck. The deck is now shuffled. Deal eight 5 card hold'em boards with the remaining 48 cards. Compare your hands with each board to see you wins. Keep score. When finished, shuffle all the cards again and repeat the procedure. You will probably need at least the results of 100 hold'em boards. The net result be be that no matter what hand they pick, you can pick a hand that will beat theirs percentage wise overall. For example: 1. They pick Ace-King unsuited, you pick the pair of 4's. You will win about 54% of the time. 2. They pick the pair of 4's, you pick Jack-Ten suited. You will win about 52% of the time. ( Due to flush potential.) 3.They pick Jack-Ten suited, you pick Ace-King unsuited. You will win about 58% of the time.( 2 overcards potential.) Strange, eh? A beats B beats C beats A. Note: It is best to find someone with a texas hold'em hand simulator, or locate one on the internet. That way you can play out about 1000 hands in short order.

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