We're Judged For Raising Our Child 'Free Range' | My Extraordinary Family

4 years ago

A FLORIDA couple who adopt a ‘free-range’ approach to parenting believe they are raising their son the right way for them. Nimesh and Teena Patel are parents to five-year-old Naylan. Their parenting style has been described as ‘free-range’, which means giving Naylan freedom of choice to do what he wants. Nimesh told Truly: “Naylan lives his life the way he wants to live it and we allow him to because that’s his world.” Naylan, who doesn’t have any conventional schooling, is allowed to do things that most children his age aren’t. Since the age of two, Nimesh and Teena have allowed Naylan to use a knife and now aged five, Naylan is trusted to chop his own fruit and vegetables. Teena said: “Other parents don’t allow their children to use knives out of fear.” Nimesh and Teena’s parenting choices have been deemed controversial and they have often been asked whether they worry Naylan is missing out. However, Teena insists she is not worried about his behaviour or sociable skills. Nimesh and Teena run A Barefoot Village which is an alternative model of schooling which is child-led. “The basis behind the way they experience their day is allowing the child to explore the world as their classroom,” Teena explained. Although they are adamant their method of parenting is right for them, Nimesh and Teena appreciate every parent is different. “Parenting is not black and white,” Nimesh said. “We have to get over the prejudice and the fact we worry so much about others.”

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