Family Of 9 Live Off Grid To 'Reject Society' | MY EXTRAORDINARY FAMILY

3 years ago

PARENTS refuse to give their seven children COVID vaccinations. Kip Smyth grew up in LA, as a 'city boy'. He worked as a manager at a retail store and hated the consumer culture that came with it. So Kip and his wife Carrie researched the best place to relocate their family to a sustainable way of life. They landed on the Ozarks, and seven years ago bought the land for their dream to become a reality. The family-of-nine now live in a 500sq. ft. tiny home where they keep dairy cows, chickens and turkeys. Kip told Truly: “I'm pulling my children out of the negative things of the world.” He explained the decision behind his new way of life: “If you look at what's happening in America right now, the kind of craziness, it's not getting a better society.” This breakaway has led to some 'controversial' parenting decisions, including their stance on western medicine. “I would not let my children get vaccinated," he said. Instead, the family choose to use their own homesteading methods, with “herbs, essential oils and good nutrition”. Three years ago they set up a YouTube channel to encourage others to pursue a similar way of life. This has led to the parents being criticised for the way they bring up their children, however, Kip doesn’t let the comments affect him. “I wouldn't put my way of life on anyone if it wasn't their choice, but I wouldn't change either.”

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