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Merry Christmas To You!
Merry Christmas From The Rumble Video Channel “KimberlyMac” at Heart To Heart! A Video Channel where Christmas happens all year round as we celebrate Jesus daily with His incredible Word coming alive for us in our reality of truth. Heart To Heart we position ourselves underneath the Rulership of His Love as we anchor our life roots deeply in Him, as we listen up to Him through the 1 Minute Encouragement Videos posted here to bless and encourage everyone and draw us, draw us to God in a vital-vertical relationship with Him. Jesus, our personal Savior, HE made it personal when He came here to us, a grand gesture of love that we will NEVER get over.
As we stay Heart To Heart with God this Christmas and every single day, our amazing Awe-GOD Who is with us, Who is for us, the very ONE WHO Came here to us, we become His beautiful family of faith, hope and love.
Today we pray for each of our heart to heart viewers asking God to bless you in that way only He can and we heartily say to each of You, Merry Christmas and a very blessed New Year!
Miraculously Merrily So, we close this year with the most beautiful, scripture about our Father God, Jesus and His Holy Spirit and we pray its truth into the hearts of mankind:
For here is the way God loved the world—He gave his only, unique Son as a gift. So now everyone who believes in him will never perish but experience everlasting life.
“God did not send his Son into the world to judge and condemn the world, but to be its Savior and rescue it! John 3:16-17
Dig Deeper This Christmas:
PS… A special thank you and blessing prayed for the Rumble Platform and all those who own it and maintain it. We are grateful for this Rumble Platform, for the freedom of speech found here is highly valued by us all. May God bless this Rumble platform in the new year and protect it, and the freedom contained in it, in that way only He can. Thank you Rumble!
Truest Love
Heart To Heart! Merry Christmas To You And Yours. I listened to a beautiful Christmas Song today called: Manager Throne by Phil Wickham. It really reinforced how I feel about Christmas, about Jesus coming here to us and how He chose meekness over majesty. He came here to us as the best story of love we would ever be told. From heaven to the cradle, from the cradle to the cross, to death which could not hold Him. This is our King. Jesus, loved us with what love should be like, a love that we can’t even begin to wrap our earthly-finite minds around. Never has anyone been loved on this side of heaven like He loved us, a King of heaven coming to us to be found on a manger throne, meekness over majesty, the power of God wrapped in humanity.
Today we Heart To Heart stand in Awe of Jesus Christ, our King, who came here to us, a King so worthy of our praise! God made it personal with us, a big grand gesture of love to us, so we could have a personal relationship with Him. It is hard to wrap our minds around the way God does things, but He has great purpose in every method of delivery, like the delivery of King Jesus as a baby in human form. This was the greatest love expression ever to be known to mankind.
God loves us with an incredible love, an awesome Awe-GOD love. Take a moment today to reflect on this Truest Christmas Gift, Jesus Christ. Experience this amazing, miraculously-merrily-so love of God. God’s love is truth in action, it is trustworthy integrity, it is unconditionally given and we should receive it with arms open wide, we should do everything possible by us to make peace with God, to make room for Him in our hearts and our lives. This Father God, wanting so much to have a relationship with His children, that He sent His only begotten Son, here to us, incarnate, God in the flesh. Let this truth activate your faith, activate your Christmas passion so you can be so, be like Jesus in all meekness, humility, selflessness and love. God bless your day.
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Challenged Hope
There are many challenges in our lives, this is our reality of truth!! The Christmas season seems to be one where our expectations in others and God may get dashed. It is a challenge to not be discouraged or disappointed during this season of high hopes, and grossly enlarged expectations. The way to navigate this life season, and all life seasons, is to put our expectations in God’s Hands. We desire, hope and want, this is part of our human condition. There are times when our expectations are way out of line, and really ridiculous, and they ride us right into a huge disappointment, that we foolishly set ourselves up for. Why not rise up to the challenge of letting God determine the outcome of our expectations. The reality of truth is just that, it is our expectations that God has purposefully set forth into our lives as experiences in gaining wisdom. The things we experience in life, they become our life wisdom and this is more valuable than all the treasure in the world. God will stretch our faith in that way where we turn to Him and we realize the strength of His life in our weaknesses. Trials come, but God teaches us many things and purposefully uses them to shape His goodness into our character. God never leaves us in our challenges to rot, in fact, He never leaves us at all, He promised He would deliver us out of every trial, and He does. Sometimes we don’t like the means and ways that He uses, to save us from ourselves, but the end game always leaves us in Awe of Him, and is more than we could ever hope for or imagine.
A Forever Transformation
Jesus changed our lives through meekness and humility. How odd is that? It wasn’t pride, it wasn’t self-righteousness, it wasn’t someone who thought they knew it all, it wasn’t a deceiver, cheater, or someone committing fraud, nor was it a powerful kingship born an elite way. Our Redeemer was a vulnerable tiny baby born in Bethlehem in a stable. Our Deliverer was Jesus, with a kind servant’s heart who ushered in the most powerful transformation ever known to mankind. Death To Life. Jesus changed it up and He still transforms us on this day. Look To Jesus, The Christmas Savior. He Can, He Will, Transform You From Death To A Forever Life. There is no other that can change it up like Jesus.
We Needed Him - He Came
#1MinuteEncouragement From death to life, oh how we needed this transformation. There is nothing and no one we human beings can hope in to fix our messes. We all have the same human condition. We all were created to need God. That is why He came to us. He is a hope like no other. He came here and lived our life without sin, without failure, without hate, without unforgiveness, without a human condition. Jesus paved the way for us, this Way-Maker God, a way of future hope. Today, we place our hope securely in Jesus, our Christmas Savior, born on earth and ushering in the greatest transformation ever known to mankind… death to forever life.
A Forever Hope
As the sun sets on this year, hopelessness sits on our joy like a ton of bricks and steals the freedom in our soul. Have you noticed or experienced the hopelessness in our culture in times such as these? I sure have. Yet, no matter what we see or feel, we must call to remembrance that we do have a forever hope that lights up the Christmas story, our bright hope in our Savior, Jesus Christ. Have you put your hope in situations, places, locations, people, family, friends, dreams, or experiences just to get them dashed and stomped on? The best place to put your hope and expectations is Jesus Christ. Let it be so this Christmas. Hope in Jesus.
Miraculously - Merrily - So
The Christmas Story is full of possibility as we see so many miraculous things happen. In the Living Word, God powerfully promises us incredible things. Everything we see with our eyes was created by His spoken Word, miraculously, merrily so. God's promises stomp out our hopelessness. God Incarnate, our Christmas Savior, can flip our impossibility to possible. We know without a doubt, God's YES is on the table with us. We watch in hope, we wait in prayer and we see His Glory in our lives. Miraculously-Merrily-So. God is with us. Merry Christmas to you and yours.
We Are Navigated
Disappointment, Despair, Discouragement, Disillusionment, these are hard things to navigate through. It is dark, so dark in this life season and we don’t understand what God is doing. Yet, we are never without the light of God, our footsteps are navigated, step by step and in the darkest of nights, we see the twinkle of God’s glory, and we know we are never without God’s direction. Way-Maker God!
Got A Throttled Holly-Jolly?
#1MinuteEncouragement ~ Hindered by clutching fear? Fear does nothing positive for us as fear keeps us from being navigated by God and propels us to a dead end. We have a forever freedom in Jesus. Jesus, our Morning Star, our Light of the world. Our Christmas Savior came to us, to deliver us. Jesus was a Deliver then and is a Deliverer now. Are we going to embrace fear, or embrace Jesus, our Deliverer? We need to shake off the fear that keeps our Christmas Joy in bondage, and be free to live, laugh, and love this Christmas Season.
A Season For Strong Faith
In a time of seasonal celebration, we find ourselves distracted by our culture chaos and need to stretch our faith past what we feel, to what we know. We are surrounded with the stank of the human condition, it is a dark time where humanity has flip-flopped right for wrong and wrong for right. It may seem like all good has lost, yet we can’t underestimate the purposes of God which are powerfully in play in the unseen. Our God is a strong finisher and He will finish well, what He has started. This is the truth we know. We must stretch our faith past what we see to the truth we know. This is a season to grow through with strong faith and complete trust in God. Let’s be so, standing on the side of truth, active in faith, strong in hope, seasoned by joy.
Grand Gesture
Our Truest Christmas Gift Jesus… how sweet it was that He came here to us. God in the flesh. We should never get over this. This was a grand gesture of Love made to us. He wanted to know us, know every emotion, know what it is like for us. He wanted to know, to experience what we do.
He lived here among us and He experienced the human condition like we do. He knows our every emotion. He knows hardship. He knows betrayal and knows what it feels like being turned in, betrayed, falsely accused by a close friend. Can you imagine your close friend turning you in for money?? On a false charge??!! He knows sorrow and wept when His friend died. He knows what it feels like to have no where to lay your head. He had no home. He knows what it feels like to be ridiculed, spit at, yelled at and hated. He knows what it feels like to be physically hurt by another person. He knows injustice as He was killed by the scheming of justice gone bad. He knew loneliness. He knows so much about our humanity and that makes him relatable. He knows us. This makes Him personal.
When it is said that God “Made It Personal” this is not a lie, this is absolute truth. We are loved by a personal God. He understands us. He can relate to us and this is one of our Truest Christmas Gifts, one we should treasure as we develop our personal relationship with God.
The King of Heaven made a Grand Gesture of Love. Can you imagine the level of humility for a Heavenly King, the very ONE Who created the universe and all the people in it, came here as a tiny human baby. So hard to wrap your mind around that kind of devotion, dedication and humility. Born into hardship and chased by injustice all His life here and yet He sinned not, this Savior, this God with us, stand in Awe of Him. There has been no greater Grand Gesture of love on this side of heaven. Incredible!
There is no place we can go that God is not, He is Omnipresent. This amazing Awe-GOD Who came here to us. What an miraculous Truest Christmas Gift He is. What a HUGE Grand Gesture of love Jesus is, love like no other.
Dig Deeper:
Jesus, I receive the Victory of Your Cross, Your Resurrection Victory and Your Victory of Triumph over hell, satan and the grave. I am set free from the condemnation of my enemy, because I am forgiven and loved well by my Christmas Savior, Jesus. Today, I make a choice to work out my salvation and become all that Jesus intends, giving Him total access to my life, so I may grow through being intentionally kingdom cultured by His Holy Spirit.
Topsy-Turvy Life Season
We carry so much in times such as these. We can become compassion fatigued so easily. Situations, emotions and life can be overwhelming at times, especially in this life season where are world seems so topsy-turvy. Burdens can pile up on us until we can’t carry another thing. Connecting with God, heart to heart is a great strength for us, we can pray it up to our Awe-GOD, Who will take every trial we face and make a way of escape for it.
Miraculously Merrily So
Miraculously Merrily So… Jesus, our Truest Christmas Gift left, no stone unturned on our behalf. He has worked everything out by his extreme knowledge and continues to work on our behalf in the unseen. He is excellent and purposeful in His plan for us. The responsibility for us rests upon His shoulders, as He is the Father of eternity. Jesus has complete dominion in this world, and He is wonderful as a Way-maker God for us. Our truest Christmas gift, Jesus, will make a way of justice for us, He is a mighty God who knows how to make crooked places straight.
Great and vast is His dominion as he will usher in peace and prosperity like no other. The deplorable and deceived, these darkened minds of mankind think they can change up God’s creation and mess with His purposeful plans for humanity, this is not so, as this evil will boomerang back on their heads.
We are blessed that our Truest Christmas Gift is a gift given by the extraordinary strategist, the gift of his Holy Spirit, who will lead us, guiding us step-by-step through the cultural chaos, created by those who serve no power higher than self.
Our truest Christmas gift is our protector and keeper, the son of God, gifted to us, born as a human being, who came to us with the purpose of transformation. Jesus, ushered in the greatest transformation ever known to mankind, death to life. Our truest Christmas gift is enough, we need nothing else as Jesus is our today, tomorrow, and forever. Jesus is our ever present and all encompassing enough! AweGod!
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He Came Here
Jesus, He Came To Us! I hope we never get over that. God in the flesh. He felt what we feel, understands us like no other, as He has experienced how we live, laugh and love. Jesus, His perspective of us, of our lives from birth to adulthood, He got firsthand. He knows the human condition, He felt rejection, betrayal, and being wounded and killed by the hands of those who thought they knew something they did not know. Never forget, this amazing wonder of our God: He Came Here To Us, He Pursued Us. I hope during this Christmas Season, You know that there is nothing God has not done for us, this Christmas Savior, He loved and loves us excellently. God is and will be the all of our everything, a trustworthy Way-Maker God. Befriend God. “Talk It Up” to Him today, connect, “Heart TO Heart”. Our Christmas Messiah, He Is Listening – He Cares And He Responds To Us With His Purposeful Providential Care.
JOY Hoped For You And Yours
JOY Hoped For You And Yours
Merry Christmas Eve To You And Yours From 1 Minute Encouragement. I started these videos to be used by God to deeply encourage others in one minute and God has proven to be quite able to do so. I am so grateful for all of you who have subscribed and I will continue in 2021 to do the 1 Minute Encouragement Videos for you, to bless and encourage you. I wrote a poem 5 years ago, a special rendition of “Twas The Night Before Christmas” I reread it recently and can’t believe how incredibly relevant it is for THIS season of our time. But, God is always like that, so relevant. His Word, His Truth, His Way has never lost relevancy. It is so amazing. Enjoy:
Christmas Eve Hope
Merry Christmas Eve! On Christmas Eve, heaven prepared for the opening of the Christmas gift from God, as our world would be receiving Jesus. With Jesus coming to us here in our space, there would immediately be an overcoming revelatory Light from this gift of heaven. (When they saw the star they rejoiced with great joy - Luke 2) Jesus, a light which would never be extinguished, which would always point us to our future and be our very present hope and navigational help! Hope is an amazing Christmas gift. Hope is heaven's light, it is new forever, and keeps its promises, and endures the tests of time. As we receive Jesus in our hearts, this Christmas gift 💝 is like no other, it is a gift that continues to give and give and we become a shiny reflection of the hope of our received gift. God came to us, so we could become wholly-holy His. It is a Christmas gift that renews, as it is new every morning, and constantly generating transforming wisdom, peace, joy, goodness, strength, courage into our lives as we connect with God heart to heart and put all of our hope and expectations in Him. We are faithfully navigated, provided for and cherished by our trustworthy, AweGod! Miraculously-Merry-So! We can hope in God from this Christmas Eve day forward from here to there unto forever. Jesus, our Proven One is trustworthy. Hope in Jesus, is confident patience which pays forward into our lives an excited anticipation of Jesus’ return and of our incredible forever future with Him. Christmas Hope helps us endure the stretching of our faith peaceably, joyfully, with a steady perseverance. Hope is our anchor and our anchor holds!! Everyday is Christmas, as we are becoming wholly-holy His and this is a great God Adventure like no other! As our faith increases, our character is strengthened and our inner spiritual core is shaped by God’s goodness and we become all He hoped for and designed us to be. This is the Merry in Christmas, Miraculously-Merrily So. Have a wonderful Christmas Eve Day Heart TO Heart. God bless you and yours. Thank you for supporting our Heart TO Heart Video Channel At Rumble. We are grateful for our audience and thankful to encourage you daily with 1 Minute Encouragement Videos. Dig Deeper:
Christmas Comfort Zone
Are you comfortable? God’s faithful love ❤️ is redeeming in the all of my everything, I trust Him with my life, even in the uncomfortable things that come my way, I know He is in the midst of them with His Redeeming Power at work in me. In the Light of the reality of truth about the Christmas Child, our Redeemer, I know I am becoming wholly-holy His. I don’t need to be comfortable as much as I need to be connected ❤️ heart to heart ❤️ with Jesus and others. Jesus made it personal, He came here! Sometimes we seek comfort more than we do Christ~ Have you been there? I have.
Creature comfort distracts us from the Christmas reality of Jesus setting aside His comfort to come here to us. It wasn’t about Him, His comfort, it was all about us, and our Redemption. I find that God works on me a lot in this area my Comfort Zone… it is a place God likes to shake me up and out of, because I miss so much of His doing and my becoming when I never step out of my personal comfort. Usually, He pushes me out and (way above my pay grade) and I courageously so, in Followship of Him and with Great God Adventure tap into His navigational rhythms and His strengths, and I GO! Especially this time of year, I stretch my faith to experience that “miraculously merrily so” God moment in each advent day,
YES, when we embrace the compassion of God’s heart, step outside of our comfort zone and use the gifts God has given us, then our families, friends, neighbors greatly benefit. God has a corporate compassion for all of the human race this is the plurality of His love for us. Definitely a victory for God occurs when we step outside of our comfort zone and become interested in each other, come along side in support of all people, celebrating the uniqueness of the human race in such a way that comparison and prejudice find no place in us. This is Christmas outside of our comfort zone. It is wholesome unity! An absolute knowing of the plurality of God’s love for us. Be so. Heart TO Heart! Dig Deeper:
It's Christmas
The Christmas story is wonderful, miraculously merrily so! Jesus came to us. There is just no getting over that truth! God sending His Only Son to us is such a HUGE gesture of love. I don’t know about you, but it has been a tough year for so many people, yet God is still with us, still for us and still working in the unseen for our good. We can trust God, He is faithful to deliver us as He has shown by Jesus ushering in the greatest transformation ever known to mankind, death to life. Christmas is STILL a day for JOY! Jesus came here and Miraculously Merrily So, He STILL holds all the power and authority at His beckoning command! Jesus STILL reigns and things are STILL not as they seem, as GOD STILL does not do things in ways we can wrap our minds around. JOY still brings soul strength while we deal with what looks like impossibility, yet STILL all things are possible with God, nothing is irreversible! It is STILL the Truth that Jesus came here to deliver us and is STILL our Deliverer. Peace BE STILL God’s got us! Dig Deeper:
Christmas Compassion
Compassion was a huge part of the Christmas Story. So many miracles happened because Jesus came to us, all of us. Jesus did not hold back His compassion until we were perfect, He embraced everyone in a grip of unconditional love. People, we have the same human condition as each other, yet we conditionally share compassion, we withhold kindness because we “turn up our nose” at people who are labeled with specific sin, or people who are labeled with different religions, or people who do not look the same as us. TRULY, we all were made in the Image of God, all of us created by the hand of the Almighty God. TRULY, we all are sinners. We are the human race, not black or white, brown or red, but human. A human race, who belongs to God, this is who we are, and as His Created people, compassion is in our spiritual DNA. This Christmas, we must let go of all our preconceived ideas about the people around us and let God open our eyes to His reality of truth. People must know the compassion of the Christmas Savior, so we choose to take the journey of unrestricted love with God, and experience the God Adventure of compassion. Our culture is in chaos, so add unconditional compassion to the situations you find yourself in this Christmas Season. Why not add civility to the culture where God has placed you in? Why not love unconditionally, with fully expressed, unobstructed compassion, given to all. Mercy, acted out compassionately, this is what God did when He sent His Son Jesus to us that first Christmas morning. We did not deserve this act of sacrificial love, yet it was freely given to us all. Christmas Compassion! Give like God gave us. People must know. We are God’s Messengers, our life must be God’s show and tell about Jesus, His Christmas Compassion. By God’s unconditional love over flowing in us, through compassion for all people, dare to care this Christmas by loving the unlovely, being kind to the kindless, and by giving compassion where it is not earned. Mercy is kind and compassionate, we have received it, not to keep to ourselves, but to give it away to others. God is at work in our world, and in heavenly hindsight, compassion was meekly birthed into our universe as Jesus, The King of Heaven, Our Savior, was born in a humble stable and meekly His power was under control of God’s Sovereign will purposefully in play for us. Live heart to heart with this Christmas Savior, let Him fill you with the compassion of His soul. On this day, choose compassion, be kind, be loving, be unconditionally caring to all those God puts in your path, miraculously merrily so. Dig Deeper:
Christmas Oxymoron
Joy! That first Christmas Day there was exceeding, great JOY! Jesus came to us, sacrificed His kingly rights in a crazy, wonderful way! Mary and Joseph, sacrificed so much, changed up their lives radically to bring Jesus into this world. The wiseman made huge sacrifices to bring gifts to the Christmas Savior. The Shepherds, people who worked so hard, daily sacrificed much to care for their sheep, were led from their fields to Jesus by the beautiful glorious angels and the heavenly star. Do you notice how self-sacrifice was so connected to JOY? We all seek purpose, joy, peace, friendship and sadly the pursuit of these things over God, tend to twist up our human nature, and some of us, we sometimes stress out so much to get them, kindling our own fires, walking by the light of a man-made fire, that it leaves us with a temporary happiness that fades out into total darkness. Happiness is fleeting externally, where JOY lasts and comes from deep within our inner spiritual core. The Christmas Story models true JOY and the way to it is by serving others and serving with others. Isn’t that an ironic oxymoron? The way to JOY and peace is through serving! The way to purpose is by giving. The way to lasting friendships is by servant leading together. My best friend in this world came from a season of us serving people together. When you serve with others, you develop the deepest friendships. Isn’t that amazing how God does that?! A common goal, a vision worked towards, and deep friendships are made though sacrifices of serving. The Christmas Story was intermingled with sacrificial service to people. People serving people. Jesus serving us all. Out of this serving came the blessing of life, friendship, purpose, joy, peace and everything people had waited for. It is the same today, the more you serve others, with others, the better life is. Serving brings JOY deep within your inner spiritual core, it brings purpose, which we all are seeking, it brings amazing friendships, as we serve together. The best gift of serving is the inner peace being a person who gives receives, it is more than you could hope for or imagine. Giving, self-sacrificing, is the way to JOY, purpose, friendship and peace. The very things we seek in life are found in giving away our life to others, just like we see in the Christmas Story. The way to a Merry Christmas, is a miraculous-merrily-so oxymoron. The more you give of yourself, the more joy you have. JOY= Jesus-Others-You. Got JOY? Dig Deeper:
Miraculously - Merrily - So
4 years ago
The Christmas Story is full of possibility as we see so many miraculous things happen. In the Living Word, God powerfully promises us incredible things. Everything we see with our eyes was created by His spoken Word, miraculously, merrily so. God's promises stomp out our hopelessness. God Incarnate, our Christmas Savior, can flip our impossibility to possible. We know without a doubt, God's YES is on the table with us. We watch in hope, we wait in prayer and we see His Glory in our lives. Miraculously-Merrily-So. God is with us. Merry Christmas to you and yours.
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