20 videos
Updated 1 year ago
The Christmas Season encouragement, wisdom and inspiration
Merry Christmas To You!
HeartTOHeartMerry Christmas From The Rumble Video Channel “KimberlyMac” at Heart To Heart! A Video Channel where Christmas happens all year round as we celebrate Jesus daily with His incredible Word coming alive for us in our reality of truth. Heart To Heart we position ourselves underneath the Rulership of His Love as we anchor our life roots deeply in Him, as we listen up to Him through the 1 Minute Encouragement Videos posted here to bless and encourage everyone and draw us, draw us to God in a vital-vertical relationship with Him. Jesus, our personal Savior, HE made it personal when He came here to us, a grand gesture of love that we will NEVER get over. As we stay Heart To Heart with God this Christmas and every single day, our amazing Awe-GOD Who is with us, Who is for us, the very ONE WHO Came here to us, we become His beautiful family of faith, hope and love. Today we pray for each of our heart to heart viewers asking God to bless you in that way only He can and we heartily say to each of You, Merry Christmas and a very blessed New Year! Miraculously Merrily So, we close this year with the most beautiful, scripture about our Father God, Jesus and His Holy Spirit and we pray its truth into the hearts of mankind: For here is the way God loved the world—He gave his only, unique Son as a gift. So now everyone who believes in him will never perish but experience everlasting life. “God did not send his Son into the world to judge and condemn the world, but to be its Savior and rescue it! John 3:16-17 Dig Deeper This Christmas: PS… A special thank you and blessing prayed for the Rumble Platform and all those who own it and maintain it. We are grateful for this Rumble Platform, for the freedom of speech found here is highly valued by us all. May God bless this Rumble platform in the new year and protect it, and the freedom contained in it, in that way only He can. Thank you Rumble!246 views 1 comment -
Truest Love
HeartTOHeartHeart To Heart! Merry Christmas To You And Yours. I listened to a beautiful Christmas Song today called: Manager Throne by Phil Wickham. It really reinforced how I feel about Christmas, about Jesus coming here to us and how He chose meekness over majesty. He came here to us as the best story of love we would ever be told. From heaven to the cradle, from the cradle to the cross, to death which could not hold Him. This is our King. Jesus, loved us with what love should be like, a love that we can’t even begin to wrap our earthly-finite minds around. Never has anyone been loved on this side of heaven like He loved us, a King of heaven coming to us to be found on a manger throne, meekness over majesty, the power of God wrapped in humanity. Today we Heart To Heart stand in Awe of Jesus Christ, our King, who came here to us, a King so worthy of our praise! God made it personal with us, a big grand gesture of love to us, so we could have a personal relationship with Him. It is hard to wrap our minds around the way God does things, but He has great purpose in every method of delivery, like the delivery of King Jesus as a baby in human form. This was the greatest love expression ever to be known to mankind. God loves us with an incredible love, an awesome Awe-GOD love. Take a moment today to reflect on this Truest Christmas Gift, Jesus Christ. Experience this amazing, miraculously-merrily-so love of God. God’s love is truth in action, it is trustworthy integrity, it is unconditionally given and we should receive it with arms open wide, we should do everything possible by us to make peace with God, to make room for Him in our hearts and our lives. This Father God, wanting so much to have a relationship with His children, that He sent His only begotten Son, here to us, incarnate, God in the flesh. Let this truth activate your faith, activate your Christmas passion so you can be so, be like Jesus in all meekness, humility, selflessness and love. God bless your day. Dig Deeper: views 1 comment -
Challenged Hope
HeartTOHeartThere are many challenges in our lives, this is our reality of truth!! The Christmas season seems to be one where our expectations in others and God may get dashed. It is a challenge to not be discouraged or disappointed during this season of high hopes, and grossly enlarged expectations. The way to navigate this life season, and all life seasons, is to put our expectations in God’s Hands. We desire, hope and want, this is part of our human condition. There are times when our expectations are way out of line, and really ridiculous, and they ride us right into a huge disappointment, that we foolishly set ourselves up for. Why not rise up to the challenge of letting God determine the outcome of our expectations. The reality of truth is just that, it is our expectations that God has purposefully set forth into our lives as experiences in gaining wisdom. The things we experience in life, they become our life wisdom and this is more valuable than all the treasure in the world. God will stretch our faith in that way where we turn to Him and we realize the strength of His life in our weaknesses. Trials come, but God teaches us many things and purposefully uses them to shape His goodness into our character. God never leaves us in our challenges to rot, in fact, He never leaves us at all, He promised He would deliver us out of every trial, and He does. Sometimes we don’t like the means and ways that He uses, to save us from ourselves, but the end game always leaves us in Awe of Him, and is more than we could ever hope for or imagine.19 views 1 comment -
A Forever Transformation
HeartTOHeartJesus changed our lives through meekness and humility. How odd is that? It wasn’t pride, it wasn’t self-righteousness, it wasn’t someone who thought they knew it all, it wasn’t a deceiver, cheater, or someone committing fraud, nor was it a powerful kingship born an elite way. Our Redeemer was a vulnerable tiny baby born in Bethlehem in a stable. Our Deliverer was Jesus, with a kind servant’s heart who ushered in the most powerful transformation ever known to mankind. Death To Life. Jesus changed it up and He still transforms us on this day. Look To Jesus, The Christmas Savior. He Can, He Will, Transform You From Death To A Forever Life. There is no other that can change it up like Jesus.457 views 2 comments -
We Needed Him - He Came
HeartTOHeart#1MinuteEncouragement From death to life, oh how we needed this transformation. There is nothing and no one we human beings can hope in to fix our messes. We all have the same human condition. We all were created to need God. That is why He came to us. He is a hope like no other. He came here and lived our life without sin, without failure, without hate, without unforgiveness, without a human condition. Jesus paved the way for us, this Way-Maker God, a way of future hope. Today, we place our hope securely in Jesus, our Christmas Savior, born on earth and ushering in the greatest transformation ever known to mankind… death to forever life.69 views -
A Forever Hope
HeartTOHeartAs the sun sets on this year, hopelessness sits on our joy like a ton of bricks and steals the freedom in our soul. Have you noticed or experienced the hopelessness in our culture in times such as these? I sure have. Yet, no matter what we see or feel, we must call to remembrance that we do have a forever hope that lights up the Christmas story, our bright hope in our Savior, Jesus Christ. Have you put your hope in situations, places, locations, people, family, friends, dreams, or experiences just to get them dashed and stomped on? The best place to put your hope and expectations is Jesus Christ. Let it be so this Christmas. Hope in Jesus.120 views 1 comment -
Miraculously - Merrily - So
HeartTOHeartThe Christmas Story is full of possibility as we see so many miraculous things happen. In the Living Word, God powerfully promises us incredible things. Everything we see with our eyes was created by His spoken Word, miraculously, merrily so. God's promises stomp out our hopelessness. God Incarnate, our Christmas Savior, can flip our impossibility to possible. We know without a doubt, God's YES is on the table with us. We watch in hope, we wait in prayer and we see His Glory in our lives. Miraculously-Merrily-So. God is with us. Merry Christmas to you and yours.151 views 1 comment -
We Are Navigated
HeartTOHeartDisappointment, Despair, Discouragement, Disillusionment, these are hard things to navigate through. It is dark, so dark in this life season and we don’t understand what God is doing. Yet, we are never without the light of God, our footsteps are navigated, step by step and in the darkest of nights, we see the twinkle of God’s glory, and we know we are never without God’s direction. Way-Maker God!76 views -
Got A Throttled Holly-Jolly?
HeartTOHeart#1MinuteEncouragement ~ Hindered by clutching fear? Fear does nothing positive for us as fear keeps us from being navigated by God and propels us to a dead end. We have a forever freedom in Jesus. Jesus, our Morning Star, our Light of the world. Our Christmas Savior came to us, to deliver us. Jesus was a Deliver then and is a Deliverer now. Are we going to embrace fear, or embrace Jesus, our Deliverer? We need to shake off the fear that keeps our Christmas Joy in bondage, and be free to live, laugh, and love this Christmas Season.107 views 2 comments -
A Season For Strong Faith
HeartTOHeartIn a time of seasonal celebration, we find ourselves distracted by our culture chaos and need to stretch our faith past what we feel, to what we know. We are surrounded with the stank of the human condition, it is a dark time where humanity has flip-flopped right for wrong and wrong for right. It may seem like all good has lost, yet we can’t underestimate the purposes of God which are powerfully in play in the unseen. Our God is a strong finisher and He will finish well, what He has started. This is the truth we know. We must stretch our faith past what we see to the truth we know. This is a season to grow through with strong faith and complete trust in God. Let’s be so, standing on the side of truth, active in faith, strong in hope, seasoned by joy.335 views