Japanese ricecake making!

4 years ago

1. Rice cake
Rice cake in Japanese is "Mochi", it comes from "Nagamochi" means "keep long". Also, there is another theory that said it comes from "Mochizuki", means full moon because of the round shape.
Features of rice cake
1. Keep long
2. Sticky / Patient
3. Round shape
→All are good meanings! So it is said "Mochi" can call good luck.
2. Rice cake making
Rice cake making is a time honored tradition. Basically pounding steamed sticky rice with Kine(Pestle) and Usu(Mortar). The shape of Kine and Usu stand for man and woman, so rice cake making is symbol for "Prosperity of descendants" & "House prosperity".
The end of the year ( & good occasions like wedding).
→To welcome new year and celebrate, also wish for good luck.
-With who?
Normally with family and neighborhoods, mostly with a lot of people.
→Making rice cakes together, communicating well. After making, sharing rice cakes together with others. Very heart warming occasion!
Because rice cakes are very sticky, it will be hard to swallow.
For safety, please keep away from small kids or elderly people.

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