14 Bad Habits Making You Fat While You Sleep

4 years ago

From eating more sodium than usual, eating late, more carbs, starting new medication to lack of physical activity and more, watch till the end to learn about all of them.

#SleepWeightGain #EverydayHabits #Bestie


1. You ate more sodium than you usually do: Your body may retain excess water for a few reasons, but the most likely is related to your sodium intake. If you eat more sodium than normal on a given day, your body will retain more water. Some people are more sensitive to this. For example, if you typically eat very fresh, whole, clean foods and work out regularly, and then forgo a workout and eat a super salty meal, chances are your weight fluctuation will seem more drastic than someone who typically eats more salt. Mild dehydration can also cause your body to retain fluids. It sounds counterintuitive, but drinking more will help your body get rid of fluids more efficiently and flush excess sodium.

2. You Are Constipated: As you eat throughout the day, your weight may increase a few pounds until the next time you effectively empty out your bowels. If things are a little backed up, not only will you feel and look bloated, but your body will contain more weight than if you were to efficiently clear out the old to make room for the new. Make sure you're eating enough fiber, staying hydrated, and keeping active so that your bowels can do their thing.

3. You Worked Out Too Hard: After a heavy workout, especially if you perform big, compound movements that recruit a lot of large muscles, you can easily weigh a few extra pounds for several days.

4. You Drank A Ton Of Water: It’s true that staying well-hydrated is a good move if you’re trying to lose weight. But the first few days of upping your water intake could actually cause the number on the scale to creep up, too.

For more information, please watch the video until the very end.

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