Natalia's Journey...Dog with facial deformity gets medical help

4 years ago

Natalia is a happy French Bulldog with a rare deformity on her face which has perplexed veterinarians nationwide. Her story and journey is heart breaking.
It begins with a local TV news report of two French Bulldogs reported missing within a couple of days just miles apart. Both were reported as home break-ins and possible a possible dog theft ring of French Bulldogs. The dogs were eventually found, one reunited with his family. Natalia was found and brought to Animal Control. The facility veterinarian and staff were shocked to see Natalia's face. The people who reported her missing was notified but they would need to provide proof of ownership including medical records and vaccinations but the family did not have any proof. They had no medical history to prove she had ever been seen by a veterinarian to receive medical attention.
Animal Control contacted a local rescue, Dezzys Second Chance and asked if they could help Natalia.
Sandra immediately picked her up and took her into the rescue pledging to get the medical help Natalia needed.
Natalia was analyzed by many different doctors and they had no idea how to approach this. It was determined that first, they needed a biopsy to find out what is causing the growth to determine her treatment. The University of Wisconsin is on call to help with this complex surgery. Natalia will most likely have to have her face reconstructed on the right side. It appears the bone has degenerated.
We are following her journey and will keep you updated with future videos. She is a happy girl and the rescue is going to make sure she has the best quality life.
Please share this video with your friends and also donate if you can. Every dollar helps. She has a long journey ahead of her and the costs will be high even with discounts from hospitals trying to help her.

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