4 Signs Your Love Will Last A Lifetime According To Buddha

6 years ago

Buddha's four elements of true love and signs your partner loves you.

#Love #Buddha #TrueLove


The four elements described follow several Dharma, which is the Sanskrit word meaning ‘to hold or keep; maintain.’ Many eastern religions contain Dharma within their philosophies and theologies, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Jainism. In Buddhism, Dharma is also a word closely associated with phenomena. Buddhism itself originated around 6th century BCE in India, where it spread around most of Asia over the next few centuries. Buddha, or Siddhartha Gautama was an enlightened teacher and philosopher, who paved the way toward a middle road between the complete abstinence of indulgence to the enjoyable indulgence of the senses.

Thich Nhat Hanh is a profound modern Buddhist Zen Master, whose published works in Buddhist literature spans across four decades. Thich Nhat Hanh’s lesson on the four elements of true love bring us to four distinct Dharma that we can incorporate into our own relationships.

Love is a fickle emotion. It can drive two people crazy but can also bring two people together for eternity. Love is only as strong as the two people in the relationship. If only one person is “head over heels” in the relationship, chances are it’s not going to go as smoothly. It’s a known fact that women tend to show their emotions more than men do, so when a woman knows she’s in love, it’s a challenge to figure out of he loves her back without asking him. And when a man is in love, sometimes it is hard for him to express his emotions because of the stigma that is attached to men who show their emotions. In today’s society, men are criticized when they are vulnerable, and because of this they refuse to show their emotions. That being said, there are certain signs that both men and women show that are in in love with someone. If you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend and are not sure if she or he is in love with you, there are certain signs you should watch out for.

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