7 Signs Of Vitamin D Deficiency

5 years ago

Warning signs of vitamin D deficiency that everyone should know, and sources of Vitamin D.

#Health #VitaminD #VitaminDDeficiency


Did you know that before the year 2000, most doctors believed that none of their patients could be vitamin D deficient? But as technology to measure for vitamin D became affordable, more studies were conducted. According to Dr. Michael Holick, who is one of the leading vitamin D researchers, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that 32% of adults and children in the US were vitamin D deficient. That’s a pretty high number; so for that reason alone, it’s important that you look for signs of vitamin D deficiency.

With more research being conducted, Holick believes that about 50% of the general population may be at risk of vitamin D deficiency.
The only way to know for sure if you are vitamin D deficient is by a blood test. But the signs and symptoms that come along with this deficiency could be helpful as well.

There are certain people who are more at risk for developing a vitamin D deficiency. These people include the elderly, those who have milk allergies, those who have darker skin, or those who follow a vegan diet. Symptoms associated with vitamin D deficiency include an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, asthma in children, cognitive impairment in seniors, and more. It is extremely important to get a sufficient amount of vitamin D in order to avoid these health risks. If you are not exposed to the sun very often and have a strict diet which doesn't incorporate many foods which are rich in vitamin D, it may be time to start talking to your doctor about the best types of supplements you should be taking for vitamin D, and how many or how often you should be taking them.

It should be noted that there are many different harmful effects of over exposure to the sun. Overexposure to the sun can result in sunburn, premature aging of the skin, skin cancer, and skin damage. Did you know that over 90 per cent of skin cancers are caused by sun exposure? This is why scientists are often debating about the best ways to get Vitamin D. Although vitamin D comes from the sun, being in the sun too long can pose all sorts of other dangerous health issues and risks which can lead to cancer. Over exposure to the sun allows damaging and harmful UV rays to reach the inner skin layers of a person's body. This causes sunburn, and can even kill or damage skin cells, possibly developing into cancer. Although a small amount of UV exposure is good for us (because it creates vitamin D), too much sun exposure can lead to early aging, skin cancer, a lowered immune system, and more. This is why doctors suggest eating a diet that has foods which are rich in Vitamin D. That being said, not many foods have vitamin D in them, which is why vitamin D supplements are becoming increasingly popular. Speak to your doctor today about the best ways you can increase your levels of vitamin D. Your doctor will likely suggest taking a vitamin D supplement.

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